Lt. Stiger (Earl Holliman) is a pilot known for being fearless...perhaps too fearless. But he's managed to survive and has been in the war longer than most other Americans, as he was a volunteer back when it was just Britain versus the Axis. He also, oddly, has apparently had flying experience with bombers AND fighter planes...which is the experience they need for this crazy mission to have a single P-51 take out a dam.
Not I am a history lover and used to teach history. So, when they talked about a P-51 fighter plane taking out a dam, I was a bit annoyed. After all, the famous British 'Dam Busters' took out a dam...but it required several large bombers and a specially created round 9000 pound bouncing bomb AND tons and tons of training. Here, Stiger gets three days training in a P-51 and the bombs are standard 500 pound bombs. Plus, I cannot imagine a fighter pilot suddenly being placed in the cockpit of a bomber...switching like this seems odd to day the least. Clearly, unless this is a very tiny dam, a P-51 would have no effect on a dam. And, if it could take out the dam, then it wouldn't be a large one and its impact would be negligible. On top of all this, there WERE fast fighter-bombers which COULD have done such a mission (on a VERY tiny dam)....specifically the British de Havilland Mosquito. Oddly, the RAF never seems to be mentioned much in this show and it seems as if the only bombers are American ones.
Now if you add to this, the very sloppy use of stock footage, you have an episode that technically speaking, sucks. The P-51 planes keep changing from the older razor-back models to the later bubble canopy models...which looked very different. On top of that, one piece of footage shows one with special D-Day markings...which were ONLY used around D-Day in 1944.
There's more about the episode I didn't get to here...such as Stiger winning a lottery and the General refusing to allow him to marry before the mission (thus allowing his fiancee to inherit the money should he not make it). I didn't like this either. So, at least for me, it was a pretty bad episode....and a technical mess.