- Congressman Fremont: What Teflon did for pots, Vigilant will do for battle.
- Lee: Oooh, oh just what I like: a war you can throw at a minute's notice with no messy clean-up.
- Emma Standish: Let's see now. Brad is on the green, Gordon's on the green, I'm on the green. Oh, that's right, Amanda's back in the swamp.
- Amanda: Oh, well, you know what I think? I'll just get another ball and, couldn't I just play it from here?
- Emma Standish: Amanda, that's cheating. Do you want to cheat?
- Amanda: Very much.
- Dorothy 'Dotty' West: I hope that just because I asked you if you were having an affair...
- Amanda: Mother, I am not gonna rush right out and have an affair.
- Dorothy 'Dotty' West: Of course not.
- Amanda: That would be nuerotic.
- Dorothy 'Dotty' West: Besides, it's none of my business, anyway.
- Amanda: No.
- [Dotty laughs]
- Dorothy 'Dotty' West: Where is this retreat being held?
- Amanda: I don't know.
- Dorothy 'Dotty' West: Is there a number where I can reach you?
- Amanda: No, but I'll check in.
- Dorothy 'Dotty' West: You taking the car?
- Amanda: No, somebody's going to pick me up.
- Dorothy 'Dotty' West: Who?
- Amanda: Nobody you know.
- Dorothy 'Dotty' West: Oh...
- [fake laugh]
- Dorothy 'Dotty' West: Sounds perfectly innocent to me.
- Lee: [Standish quckly puts something in his mouth] What was that?
- Gordon Standish: [swallows] It was a tiny little key. We Survivors'll eat anything.