- Lee Stetson: I didn't like the way our little disagreement ended. I drove by, I saw the van in the driveway, your front door was open...
- Mrs. Amanda King: It wasn't such a little disagreement. You said I should resign.
- Lee Stetson: No, no, no. Now you said that you should resign.
- Mrs. Amanda King: You agreed with me.
- Lee Stetson: Here we go again.
- Mrs. Amanda King: Well see, then you mean it, don't you?
- Lee Stetson: No. No, I didn't totally mean it...
- Mrs. Amanda King: But you mean it a little?
- Lee Stetson: Maybe a little.
- Mrs. Amanda King: See, you said it again.
- Lee Stetson: Said what? I don't even know what I said anymore.
- Mrs. Amanda King: Oh Lee, are you alright?
- Lee Stetson: Am I alright? I'm chained to a pipe. Do I look alright?