Britt McKillip credited as playing...
Tra La La
- [first lines]
- Tra La La, Zipzee, Tiddly Wink: [singing] Hip hip hooray, another day to play away in Breezie Blossom.
- [last lines]
- Spike, Wysteria, Pinky Pie, Tra La La, Sunny Daze, Tiddly Wink, Zipzee, Sweetberry, Rainbow Dash, Cotton Candy: [singing] Hip hip, hurrah, tra la, tra la, we're glad that everyone's a princess.
- Spike: [pointing] That's you and you, and yes it's true...
- Spike, Wysteria, Pinky Pie, Tra La La, Sunny Daze, Tiddly Wink, Zipzee, Sweetberry, Rainbow Dash, Cotton Candy: ...that you are a princess, too.
- Tiddly Wink: Tra La La, I've been thinking. Actually I've been waiting to ask you this, but what does a lady in waiting do?
- Tra La La: Tiddly Wink, I think we're doing it: waiting.
- Tiddly Wink: Oh I'm so excited I can't wait! I mean I *can* wait! I mean I can't wait to start waiting!