- Girls are so fickle. Even as Almond and his despised rival are about to slay each other for her sake, Bertha smiles graciously upon Ferdinand Fizzle who looks like ready money and has a delightful custom of presenting jewelry lavishly. Observing their idol walking away with the handsome stranger, the combatants call off hostilities and become allies. They thereupon aim a 43-centimeter briquette at Ferdinand, but the projectile bounces off an officer's intelligent forehead. While Dinny and his ally are chased by the peeved policeman, Ferdinand improves his time by making love to Bertha. Later, upon arriving home, Ferdy is confronted by his irate wife, who demands the jewelry he had taken to have fixed. Filled with fear, the daredevil flirt hastens to Bertha's home and tries to remove his gifts by force. In the meantime, Almond hires a couple of gangsters to kidnap Bertha and take her to the minister. The men kidnap the girl and carry her away. Armed with a gun, Almond is compelling the minister to perform the ceremony when the police, attracted by the row, arrive. The officer in charge is a good-looking chap, so when Almond drops his gun in fright, Bertha kicks him out of the room, grabs the pistol, holds up the dominie and the policeman, and compels the latter to make her his'n.—Moving Picture World synopsis
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