- 2005
- 1h 38m
Set amidst the urban decay of modern-day Detroit, this indie drama follows two cousins, AJ (Ray J) and Caesar (AZ), as they navigate the perils of the drug trade. Despite his girlfriend Tomm... Read allSet amidst the urban decay of modern-day Detroit, this indie drama follows two cousins, AJ (Ray J) and Caesar (AZ), as they navigate the perils of the drug trade. Despite his girlfriend Tommie (Maia Campbell) & his family's best efforts to keep him off the streets, AJ is nonethel... Read allSet amidst the urban decay of modern-day Detroit, this indie drama follows two cousins, AJ (Ray J) and Caesar (AZ), as they navigate the perils of the drug trade. Despite his girlfriend Tommie (Maia Campbell) & his family's best efforts to keep him off the streets, AJ is nonetheless drawn to Caesar's underworld lifestyle; in a matter of months, he graduates from tag-a... Read all