13 of 17 found this mild
Lead actress wearing bikini.
There are many sexual references, flirty dialogues.
Lead character touches the female lead's cleavage with flirty dialogue
There is a scene where a woman wearing a skimpy dress is seducing a man to music. The scene ends with the man lying on top of the woman, but both are fully clothed.
6 of 13 found this moderate
This film is violent. Not that blood or gore but still violent. People are shot, killed, blood shown in some fight. Especially ending fight we see The antagonist's head gets shattered and blood (some gory flesh) comes out
This is pretty violent film , it would likely be for adults.
Within the first few minutes of the movie there is a martial arts fight scene showing blood after being hit, and at the end of the scene a man is executed with a handgun. Not long after, a man is hit in the forehead with a golf ball at point blank range and he falls down dead and bloodied.
Although it may not be as graphic or realistic as modern Western productions, there is constant violence throughout this nearly three hour long film.
6 of 11 found this mild
There is very little profanity in this film.
5 of 7 found this moderate
A bag of cocaine is exchanged by money
Very occasional smoking and drinking - the lead character says that he is trying to quit smoking "as it kills you".
6 of 11 found this mild
As you might expect from a movie about gangsters, there are several scenes with intimidation, kidnapping, extortion, and other similar threats of violence and death. In most of these scenes the threat is carried through and someone ends up dead or seriously hurt.