Donald Harvey is engaged in the conducting of a mission in a large city which is supported by the idle rich. Madame Ward Howe and her daughter Winnifred visit the mission frequently, and so it is that Winnifred is attracted by Donald, particularly when it is rumored that Donald is to possess a lot of money. Later it is discovered that Harvey had been a child of the slums, and he is cast aside by the House. The Rev. Gilles Kellog, who had been the head of the Mission, however, defends the young man even when he is threatened with the loss of his church. As it is, he is compelled to close the Mission. Then comes the San Francisco earthquake, and Donald, who has thoughts of his Mission, staggers back there, and is later rescued from the falling timbers. After Donald has recovered an influential capitalist, who was killed in the earthquake, through his will in the hands of an attorney, confesses that Donald is his only son. Then it is that the sycophants return, but it is without avail, for he takes his love to Dorothy Kellog, the minister's daughter, who helped befriend him.
—Moving Picture World synopsis