- Fancy Day: You get over a broken heart very quickly, Mr. Dewy, if that's indeed what it was.
- Dick Dewy: Not true, Miss Day. Tis broken and will remain so till the day you fix it.
- Fancy Day: You'll be waiting until you turn to stone, then.
- [stares intently, then kisses him]
- Dick Dewy: I knew you felt the same, Fancy, I knew it. I tasted it on your lips the first time I kissed you.
- Fancy Day: Take me home, please.
- Dick Dewy: Say you'll be mine, Fancy.
- Fancy Day: You know I cannot.
- Dick Dewy: For a while I was blinded by your beauty but I now see you for what you are.
- Fancy Day: And what, pray, is that?
- Dick Dewy: I would marry the lowliest maid in the county if I loved her. Nor money, nor learnin', nor opinion of others would force me from loving her.
- Fancy Day: Dick, I...
- Dick Dewy: Goodbye, Miss Day. I hope you find what you're looking for.
- Robert Penny: [talking about Fancy's shoe] You will find her delicate but robust, neighbors. Part country girl she once was, part educated lady she is now.
- Dick Dewy: You do talk some nonsense, Robert Penny.
- Reuben Dewy: I hear Mr Shinar has proposed, then.
- Geoffrey Day: He has. Just waiting on the girl to say yes.
- Reuben Dewy: And she will say yes, do you think?
- Geoffrey Day: She's like her mother. She needs to squeeze the last bit of drama out of the thing, but those church bells will be ringing out come harvest time. You mark my words.