That's right girls. Eye candy for us. Check out the Hunks in this film. Okay, okay back to the review. I read one review where the person thought the acting was bad. Oh come on dude, lighten up! The acting was totally believable. It's suppose to be campy and it delivers. Sure, if you want to see a blood fest with gore and killings, this is NOT that movie. Go rent "SAW." But if you want to sit back and watch an interesting story, have some good laughs with a bit of horror and light sex scenes that are necessary to the plot, then this is your cup of tea. Koster weaves a clever web of intrigue. However, I think he should lend his talents to comedies. Obviously his strong point. As a person who just enjoys entertainment and a hardy laugh, I recommend this movie. Oh, and for the person who wrote about "Opinions." I applaud you. Good on ya!