This is one of those documentaries that continued to surprise & goes to show just how slimy & supposedly powerful these longtime politicians can be. Worst than anything is the way all those around the mayor all think that just because he's the mayor, he's immune to everything. The previous mayor Sharpe James is such a slimy jerk it's disturbing and somebody needs to put this guy in his place. He is exactly like so many other politicians who say one thing like the previous Governor of N.Y. Elliot Spitzer who crusaded against prostitution than gets caught doing it himself. How this guy James became mayor is beyond my comprehension as he is so loud, brash, a racist against his own. In any other society wouldn't be anything special. Just as the saying goes, which is supposed to be a positive remark, it also applies negatively as well, "Only in America." A good documentary that if you already despise politics will make you despise them more, and to those that like them, it will open your eyes to the ugliness that is just about all campaigns, especially here in the U.S. A truly disturbing, but interesting film to say the least.