"Being Flynn" is an awkward, semi-detached autobiographical movie based on the memoirs of Nick Flynn written down in his acclaimed book "Another Bullshit Night in Suck City". Nick Flynn (played with true zest by rising quality actor Paul Dano) recaps a period of his life, when still uncertain of having any publishing future encourages him to take up a temporary post at a homeless shelter in Boston. Once there he comes across his estranged and increasingly manic father (a masterful return by Robert De Niro), a self-proclaimed classic writer, who approaches the facility after losing his apartment and livelihood in the form of a taxi business. Left during childhood Nick feels a need for attachment, but simultaneously cannot garner to trust the unfatherly figure. Instead this enhances memories of his mother (played by Julianne Moore), who worked two jobs in an attempt to raise him as a single mother, until finally committing suicide. The situation forces a collision in an extreme situation, as Flynn's father falls from grace with Nick reluctant to help pick up the pieces.
A somewhat surprising entry by Paul Weitz, probably best known for being the culprit behind the "American Pie" franchise. Rarely comedic, instead it dabbles in the underbelly of both society and family life, engaging throughout mostly due to the terrific performances by its lead cast. The drama lingers creating atmospheric tension between the two main characters, so even if the movie fails to convey a powerful story and has its moments of prolonged lack of direction, the end result brings about a realistic dark portrait. Somewhat depressing in tone "Being Flynn" above all marks a return to greatness by De Niro and a further marked rise as a future great actor by Paul Dano. Despite some script frailties and occasional incapability for dramatic direction by Weitz, it is still a worthwhile watch and at least a very intriguing character study about generational relations.