I say it is a good compliment to Lucky Mckee's first story "May" but not even close to the quality of it. It's a decent film if your a fan of Lucky's. It seemed as if Roman was filmed before "May" and released after it. The pace is slow, but i believe this is deliberate. This story does not waste time, in a good way, with fluff. You can very quickly feel what Roman is about. If I did not already know about this story beforehand I would believe it was real. I like stories that can toe the line of real but still keep me interested which is the makings of a good movie. Now that being said, I expected better from the team of Bettis and McKee, even without an extreme budget this was a story that could have been more. I blame the editor. Movie are destroyed or saved by editing. I expected better story development. The idea was great but the translation was muffled