The world would be a happier, more enlightened place without this movie.
The plot of the film is so undeveloped that it would be better described as a premise - a guy gets his genitals removed by a mincing machine and gets a transplant from a black porn star.
Once the entire plot has been presented to us in the space of about three minutes, we have a long sequence where a number of out-of-place lowbrow jokes about everything that's funny if you're drunk. In fact, I'm wondering if the film makers were drunk when they wrote this, shot it, edited it.
The characters are very, very one-dimensional, generally limited to a single characteristic each. We've seen all these people in a dozen other movies, and relocating the little bit of 'action' there is to a pie shop in an obscure Australian town does not warrant a 'new' movie.
In the end, if you feel like having some simple, no-brains-required laughs and don't mind that the larger part of the movie is going to be bad, you might as well check this out. But don't say you weren't warned.