1 review
The first season was very good and nostalgic. A 2001 oldy but goody with a nice story arc. The ending ran short leaving the viewers wanting more. Then there's season 2 (4 years later) with nothing other then the characters and manga in common. There's no real story arc with 13 stand alone eps, the characters learning arcs where gone like it never happened, it's troped out, with 1 really annoyingly bad Bronx accent. I found myself distracted by other things very easily to the point by eps. 10 I just wanted this cash cow to end. At the end of ep. 13 it said "To be continued...?" It wasn't, because the producers missed the "sol" reason in first season making it clearly obvious the producers for season 2 didn't even watch the first season... I would highly suggest watching season 1 but not season 2.
8/10 season1..... 2/10 season 2.
8/10 season1..... 2/10 season 2.