This movie begins with a brief flashback to the previous film in which "Father Constantin" (Boris Petroff) finds a long lost Biblical book which is called "The Lexicon". While he reads the book the prophecy of the end times begins to mysteriously appear and reveals the exact name of the anti-Christ before he assumes world domination. Realizing the importance of this book the angels loyal to God have placed a unique woman named "Allison" (Kari Wuhrer) in charge of protecting it from the rebellious angels led by "Stark" (Tony Todd) who want to prevent Armageddon because it would destroy the humans they hate so much. If that doesn't quite make sense I should also add that "Satan" (John Light) also wants to keep the book out of Stark's hands because he wants Armageddon to happen even though according to Revelation it means his end is at hand and he will soon be thrown into a lake of fire. Throw in an assassin named "Dylan" (Jason Scott Lee) who shoots himself in the head rather than kill Allison--and then goes about trying to kill Allison--and you can pretty much understand that this movie is a jumbled mess which makes no sense at all. That said, I recommend this film only to those who have seen and enjoyed the previous 4 movies in the series. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother with it. Below average.