This is the worst movie ever made anywhere on planet earth. Zero out of ten is flattery. They should allow minus numbers. The two main characters are a Wayne's world lookalike and his sidekick who tries to model his role on Chevy Chase. If you think their acting is bad, it gets worse with the cop who models his role on Jim Carey and fails, miserably. Occasional attempts at American accents. It is quite a difficult accent for South Africans and impossible for any of this cast.
Was there a plot?. I don't think so. The only faint glimmer of humour was the high school address by the head-boy, Idols compère Colin Moss, also acting the role of a Joe Kool Fonzarelli character, which he did OK with. Danny Kaye also sang a song or two and these two guys's personal fan club obviously raised the vote count to what looks like a respectable rating. Waste of time. Waste of money. No laughs.