Absolutely great (for an independent) Film!
'Pizza: the Movie' is no technical masterpiece. It doesn't have million dollar actors. It's not full of special effects or crazy, mind splitting camera work. In fact, I've never heard of the director. At first thought, a quick glace at the website (www.pizzathemovie.com) and based on the title, I expected very little.
Then this package came in the mail. And, that in and of itself, is no big thing because I get all sorts of packages (do you hear that FBI), but this package I wasn't expecting. It was Pizza: the Movie, an incredibly well packaged and produced DVD. The quote on the back summed it up oh so perfectly... "It's better than I thought it would be." Barbara Gregory, the director's mom. Damn that made me chuckle. And that wasn't the last laugh either.
I'm not going to get into a detailed diatribe about what was wrong with Pizza: the Movie (because it wasn't much in this humble reviewers mind, just typical but forgivable indie problems), but what I will say is what was so great. It's a great premise that doesn't go where you would expect it to go (Hollywood style) and isn't too over the top. It's enjoyable to watch and is full of humorous parts, some that I wouldn't have expected. The characters are enjoyable (although one character is the like 'em or hate 'em variety) and well balanced, reminding me fondly of my days in college. It's paced well, and believable.
Pizza: the Movie was not only a surprise, it has inspired this independent filmmaker to aim higher.