"Terrorists" is a comedy about life in post-9/11 America: Curtis Gorfurter, small-town police chief, unhappy with his lowly status and eager to prove himself in the War Against Terror, inter... Read all"Terrorists" is a comedy about life in post-9/11 America: Curtis Gorfurter, small-town police chief, unhappy with his lowly status and eager to prove himself in the War Against Terror, interprets a series of unrelated events as proof of an impending terrorist attack. When a gradu... Read all"Terrorists" is a comedy about life in post-9/11 America: Curtis Gorfurter, small-town police chief, unhappy with his lowly status and eager to prove himself in the War Against Terror, interprets a series of unrelated events as proof of an impending terrorist attack. When a graduate student of Mideastern descent arrives in town to authenticate the world's largest stoo... Read all