1 review
Like pretty much every film about the war that was produced in the Soviet bloc, there is just so much that goes on in this picture that is just nonsensical, goofy, and illogical. It didn't even matter that I couldn't understand the dialog and that there were no subtitles. I could just tell after watching so many of these that the dialog would not have made the action make sense. I guess that's the advantage of making films in a country where the audience isn't accustomed to seeing anything better.
One must also wonder why, as late as 1977, are films still being produced in grayscale (a.k.a. "black and white")? I know that major American studios produce films in grayscale occasionally because some filmmakers think it's more dramatic or more stark. In those cases, the picture quality is still high-quality. This one is not.
One must also wonder why, as late as 1977, are films still being produced in grayscale (a.k.a. "black and white")? I know that major American studios produce films in grayscale occasionally because some filmmakers think it's more dramatic or more stark. In those cases, the picture quality is still high-quality. This one is not.