15 reviews
I went with 9 of my friend's to see this movie, I wanted this to be the best move ever made in my country. Produced by one of less intelligent TV stations in Serbia, the movie is a sequel to Srdjan Dragojevic first film
and it is utterly disappointing. Nikola, coolest guy on the planet, from the first movie, is now a father trying to live with the fact that his daughter is grown up. It is boring, predictable and painful to watch. I spend 90 minutes staring at screen trying to convince my self that this CAN'T be happening. Srdjan Dragojevic, the man behind "Lepa Sela Lepo Gore" is responsible for this movie???????? How? Why? What went wrong? Old jokes, more stupid then funny, incredibly cheap story and totally wasted characters of Devil, Angel and roll that Zoran Cvijanovic play (characters that made first film so much fun). I was disappointed, my girlfriend was disappointed, my friend's were disappointed. It will make a lot of money for sure just on the reputation of the first movie. But it will cost Srdjan Dragojevic his reputationas a quality filmmaker
- zlatnirudnik
- Feb 1, 2005
- Permalink
Only thing what spoils my feeling about this movie is bunch of ungrateful midgets constantly spitting on it. To avoid any misunderstanding I've watched first part once again and now I can seriously ask - what are you talking about?? I can sadly notice that most of people in ex-Yugoslavia decides to live in past. Losers! First part which was made in 1991 was probably the last breath of our old culture, before the war started and country broke apart. Well either you want to admit it or not, but that happened, so what's a point of living in the past, listening crappie disco music from 80-ties, unconditionally glorifying everything from 'old times' and in same time denying that lives goes one and new things come with it? From my point of view, Dragojevic made everything best with this movie, still working in heavy conditions as are today in Serbia. To remind you one thing - this is a teenage comedy, so relax and enjoy it instead of keeping a daily crap inside your heads and criticizing everything. If Dragojevic haven't paid 'debt to his country' with his two previous movies, then I seriously don't know who did? I'm really sick of listening this same crap every time I go home from people who have least right to say anything. So if you can't, shut up and let the others enjoy it!
About 'UnlimitedPower' comment: Who ever said the film is 'great'?? I'm just pointing that most of the people in Serbia see the other people's work (and whole universe) - black and white! Or bad and good, from their own very personal point of view.
As from my point of view, all three parts of this sequel are unpretentious easy entertainment, and if you take them as that, than you can equally enjoy all three parts. And calling some of them 'masterpiece' and other 'total crap' is really ridiculous... and typically Serbian. I've always seen Dragojevic as one of movie makers that made me proud of being Serb myself. Unlike those who are complaining, blaming and condemning him now, and if he scores 'three points' for Serbia (maybe with 'St. George Shoots the Dragon'?) - then he's gonna have his 'Happy Hour'. It's just adolescent way of thinking of one entire nation.
About 'UnlimitedPower' comment: Who ever said the film is 'great'?? I'm just pointing that most of the people in Serbia see the other people's work (and whole universe) - black and white! Or bad and good, from their own very personal point of view.
As from my point of view, all three parts of this sequel are unpretentious easy entertainment, and if you take them as that, than you can equally enjoy all three parts. And calling some of them 'masterpiece' and other 'total crap' is really ridiculous... and typically Serbian. I've always seen Dragojevic as one of movie makers that made me proud of being Serb myself. Unlike those who are complaining, blaming and condemning him now, and if he scores 'three points' for Serbia (maybe with 'St. George Shoots the Dragon'?) - then he's gonna have his 'Happy Hour'. It's just adolescent way of thinking of one entire nation.
I don't know....but i'm in the group of people who really enjoyed in this movie. The first part is only OK, but the second has some originality in the recent and past Serbian cinematography. Dragojevic showed once again that he has a great talent, and surely deserves a nickname "Serbian Tarantino". This is a teenage comedy, but it has some scenes which are not really for the kids :). Story is maybe not-attractive and boring, but from the psychological point of view - is very complex and funny :). It is simple, refreshing and relaxing, but it has some elements which are not approved from conservative movie consumers....
When i went to see this movie,i thought that there is no way that he could beat his first part,but I was wrong.The movie is full of some old and new jocks and funny scenes,the acting is on the top,it has a better story than the first one,and it is on the way to become one of the biggest and most watched movies in Serbia and Montenegro.And for the first time in movie history in our country this movie has very good special effects and cascade-rs.And i heard and read that this movie has a very big box office in other countries in Europe!!!! I Totally DON'T AGREE WITH THE FIRST COMMENT MADE FROM "SCILIC" ABOUT THIS MOVIE!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
We Are Not Angels 2 delivers in people's expectations of a sequel, i'm not going to put down the negative opinions against it. I can understand that some people might be incorporation nostalgia into their opinions a bit too much than they should.
Overall however, they are allowed to be disappointed as WANA2 definite'y doesn't have the same 'vibe' as the first movie.
I'll say it. Upfront that i enjoyed this film alot more, or rather that i laughed and was engaged alot more, and i would give it a 8.5 rating originally, but upoon a deeper look i think that this movie objectiveely isn't up to par in some aspects.
The main issue is that it feels so lost, the jokes, while funny, carry very little meaning, in a way that it feeels like cheap comedy. To clarify, i mean that even though you'll laugh, you really won't be able to explain why, it's like children laughing at toilet humour, they find it funny, but for really no particular reason.
However an improved aspect of this movie is definitely engagement. WIth NIkola taking a more proactive role in moving the plot along, the viewer can also have their attention stirred, and not feel bored half way.
Even though the premise might be 'generic' with a father trying to deal with his daughter's dating life make sense for a WANA sequel. Think about it, the first movie ended on Nikola and Marina's baby being born, the next movie could naturally be about parenthood, and parenthood has many aspeects to it which would fit with the theme of the movie, and that theme is responsibility. WANA' was all about NIkola rising up to the challenge of responsibility.
Another complaint i have is Marina's absence, NIkola wasn't the only main character, Marina was one aswell, altough i think she was a very shallow character in the first movie, with a much bigger focus being put on NIkola. Fathers aren't the only people who worry about their children and their relationships, she would've fit into the movie just fine. Not only that, we could've had her character expanded upon, dive a bit deeper in what went wrong with her relationship with Nikola, this way, the movie could've had an even better plot, been better paced due to more content to work with while also being a good comedy.
All in all, i think this is a decent sequel, i don't think it's as bad as people put it out to be, atleast coming from an objective analysis of the movie's story, plot, pacing, characters. Maybe the others are right about this not being a movie about 'serbian culture' like the previous one was, im not too familiar with it so i can't say much about that.
I'd still consider watching it.
Overall however, they are allowed to be disappointed as WANA2 definite'y doesn't have the same 'vibe' as the first movie.
I'll say it. Upfront that i enjoyed this film alot more, or rather that i laughed and was engaged alot more, and i would give it a 8.5 rating originally, but upoon a deeper look i think that this movie objectiveely isn't up to par in some aspects.
The main issue is that it feels so lost, the jokes, while funny, carry very little meaning, in a way that it feeels like cheap comedy. To clarify, i mean that even though you'll laugh, you really won't be able to explain why, it's like children laughing at toilet humour, they find it funny, but for really no particular reason.
However an improved aspect of this movie is definitely engagement. WIth NIkola taking a more proactive role in moving the plot along, the viewer can also have their attention stirred, and not feel bored half way.
Even though the premise might be 'generic' with a father trying to deal with his daughter's dating life make sense for a WANA sequel. Think about it, the first movie ended on Nikola and Marina's baby being born, the next movie could naturally be about parenthood, and parenthood has many aspeects to it which would fit with the theme of the movie, and that theme is responsibility. WANA' was all about NIkola rising up to the challenge of responsibility.
Another complaint i have is Marina's absence, NIkola wasn't the only main character, Marina was one aswell, altough i think she was a very shallow character in the first movie, with a much bigger focus being put on NIkola. Fathers aren't the only people who worry about their children and their relationships, she would've fit into the movie just fine. Not only that, we could've had her character expanded upon, dive a bit deeper in what went wrong with her relationship with Nikola, this way, the movie could've had an even better plot, been better paced due to more content to work with while also being a good comedy.
All in all, i think this is a decent sequel, i don't think it's as bad as people put it out to be, atleast coming from an objective analysis of the movie's story, plot, pacing, characters. Maybe the others are right about this not being a movie about 'serbian culture' like the previous one was, im not too familiar with it so i can't say much about that.
I'd still consider watching it.
- AscensionFreak
- Nov 27, 2024
- Permalink
I have no expectations when it comes to sequels, but if I did, this movie would exceed them. Sure, it cannot be compared to the original movie, but almost nothing can race against first Angels, so that's not a real shortcoming. Easy entertainment on a very satisfying level. Warm recommendation.
- Bored_Dragon
- Mar 28, 2017
- Permalink
First of all to the guy with the "puritan" words- this film is not a comedy for the 'western family' and it is made for a balkanese, and at most for a 'east European family'. Believe me- almost nobody is frustrated here with the curses and stuff used in it, because our countries still have freedom of speech(almost everything comes in its uncensored version from the west).
I had no special expectations for the film, except to laugh without caring much about the story. The film fulfilled my expectations and I have laughed from heart.
I have watched the two films in 4 days time while a film festival was going on in BG. Both are good. We have no commercials whatsoever here about them and also no official screening excluding the film festivals. And the people like them- the word goes from one mouth to another and they download them and watch them even in the small Bulgarian towns. No bad words about them up until now. I think they would have good success if they are officially screened in the cinemas across all of Eastern Europe and Russia.
I had no special expectations for the film, except to laugh without caring much about the story. The film fulfilled my expectations and I have laughed from heart.
I have watched the two films in 4 days time while a film festival was going on in BG. Both are good. We have no commercials whatsoever here about them and also no official screening excluding the film festivals. And the people like them- the word goes from one mouth to another and they download them and watch them even in the small Bulgarian towns. No bad words about them up until now. I think they would have good success if they are officially screened in the cinemas across all of Eastern Europe and Russia.
The film is OK, but Mi Nismo Andjeli 1 was better. The second part is funny, but I didn't like the story. Actually, there WASN'T a story-nothing really happened!!! I didn't really get it-the father worries about his daughter. And that's about-it? I had a good time watching it, but I really expected more, I mean, all those commercials all over the town... I got a little disappointed. The effects were great, which is pretty unusual for our films, and the humor was great, too, I was really laughing most of the time, although there were lots of jokes which were used from the first part and I think that's what made it so funny. But I still think people overreacted about it-it's not as great as the first part was. But, OK, I guess, the film is OK.
- silver_plate
- Mar 10, 2005
- Permalink
I've just seen this movie, unfortunately on a bad DIVX since I live abroad, and I can only say nice things about it. It's funny, uplifting and stylish. The look and pace are very similar to the original, only more polished in every way. I loved the storyline, the characters are amusing, jokes funny, and the daughter is hot enough to be believable as Belgrade's teenage uberbabe.
This, being a sequel, is obviously not going to be a classic, but I think that everyone who has seen and liked the original will almost certainly like this sequel as well.
Very pleasantly surprised! 8/10.
This, being a sequel, is obviously not going to be a classic, but I think that everyone who has seen and liked the original will almost certainly like this sequel as well.
Very pleasantly surprised! 8/10.
- AngellikesLA
- Feb 9, 2005
- Permalink
This movie is such a terrible disappointment. I simply cannot emphasize enough how bad it is. Yes I know, I have expected much more from this movie since the first part "We are not Angels" was one of my favorite movies, but that was the only thing that was keeping me in front of TV-a hope that it will get better. I am not sure what happened here but this movie should win a first prize for worst movie of the decade in almost all categories. Acting is terrible, only few people know how to act and even some of them were not all that good in this movie. Teenage girl-main female character is very pretty but she really has no acting skills, whatsoever. The idea for the story, although not really an original one, could be a good start if only the writer knew what the heck he was doing! This is supposed to be a comedy but it turned out to be a tragedy-a tragedy of a movie. Jokes are unfinished, unpolished and really primitive, all together just plain stupid and sickening. And what is that with all gay jokes, a cop taxing main guy Nikola, and French kissing of two male angles?? I did not laughed even once. I was stunned and actually embarrassed. I started watching this movie with my boyfriend who is not Serbian expecting some great jokes, good acting and generally something to show him about my culture since I find that we have very good sense of humor, but I found myself stunned with dosage of primitivism that was literally pouring out of this movie. Is this what represents my culture? I wouldn't think so. This movie should be banned from the movie theaters, from TV stations and any kind of media. I am sorry I cannot give zero rating to this movie it does not deserve more.
OK, as I can see there are many people who are saying that this movie is stupid. But this is the opinion of those who do not understand the culture of the Serbian nation and they judge by their own standards. Otherwise I'm from Bulgaria I find "Mi nismo andjeli 2" one of the funniest movies from eastern Europe. Also a have read the other comment about the movie, saying that dialogues and themes in them are too offending and badly executed. But that's the way Serbian people talk and it's funny and i like it a lot and when you are from different culture first try to understand and than give your opinion. I'm sorry that I do not have the time to write more about this brilliant comedy.
In what used to be Yugoslavia, where this film was made and first released, there are no film ratings. If there were any, this film would carry at least an "R" rating.
From scenes implying that a teen girl has just finished masturbating and her mom entering the room and judging by the smell of the vibrator, which she helpfully wiped off that her daughter needs to see a gynecologist, all the way to a father looking at his own daughter as a sex object failing to recognize her, this film is one sick scene after another. For those who are not up-to-date on this film, "We Are Not Angels" is promoted as a comedy for the whole family.
A few indiscriminate attempts at humor involve discussions of beating someone to a bloody pulp, with an actual image of the scene and bloody pulp splattering everywhere, and having sex with a dead corpse "before it cools down".
A few quick cuts and overacting seem like an attempt at fast paced French style comedy, but this film fails there too. There are far too many product placement shots to allow for editing that would serve whatever is left of the "story" in this film.
I would have a hard time recommending this film even as a bad film to learn from. Dialogues and themes in them are too offending and badly executed to allow for any criticism. Actors barely get a chance to perform while shouting all the time, and only lack of any domestic comedies at all in Yugoslavia has made this film popular and a "success" there.
If there was a zero rating, I'd give it to this film as it would be more fair towards other not-too-good films.
From scenes implying that a teen girl has just finished masturbating and her mom entering the room and judging by the smell of the vibrator, which she helpfully wiped off that her daughter needs to see a gynecologist, all the way to a father looking at his own daughter as a sex object failing to recognize her, this film is one sick scene after another. For those who are not up-to-date on this film, "We Are Not Angels" is promoted as a comedy for the whole family.
A few indiscriminate attempts at humor involve discussions of beating someone to a bloody pulp, with an actual image of the scene and bloody pulp splattering everywhere, and having sex with a dead corpse "before it cools down".
A few quick cuts and overacting seem like an attempt at fast paced French style comedy, but this film fails there too. There are far too many product placement shots to allow for editing that would serve whatever is left of the "story" in this film.
I would have a hard time recommending this film even as a bad film to learn from. Dialogues and themes in them are too offending and badly executed to allow for any criticism. Actors barely get a chance to perform while shouting all the time, and only lack of any domestic comedies at all in Yugoslavia has made this film popular and a "success" there.
If there was a zero rating, I'd give it to this film as it would be more fair towards other not-too-good films.
Great movie! Many people don't like it, but I don't get why... Mirka Vasiljevic is amazingly beautiful, she is one of the main reasons I gave this movie a 10/10. Surely, this movie cannot be compared to classics such as "Ko to tamo peva" and "Maratonci trce pocasni krug" or such movies, but "Mi nismo andjeli 2" is great in its own way. The story, the acting, jokes, Mirka... wow. One of the best movies I've ever seen.
I watched the movie 5 times and it seems as though Mirka gets more beautiful each and every time I see it.
Nikola Kojo also does outstanding acting in this movie, even better than in "Mi nismo andjeli" (part one). My advice - go see it NOW! :)
I watched the movie 5 times and it seems as though Mirka gets more beautiful each and every time I see it.
Nikola Kojo also does outstanding acting in this movie, even better than in "Mi nismo andjeli" (part one). My advice - go see it NOW! :)