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Wendell Baker makes little sense
kincannon12 March 2005
I love the Wilsons as much or more than anyone, but it doesn't look like any of them tried too hard on this film to make it work. I just saw the world premiere at the Paramount and the crowd was wild for it. I on the other hand, along with all of my friends thought that the movie lacked a lot of what critics call believability.

The characters weren't quite paper thin, more like cardboard, and there were about 20 of them. Every time Wendell's charm wained immediately another character would show up to make him look all the better. Every time Wendell had a problem another character would show up to help him. Sometimes characters just showed up for the hell of it.

It was a fun movie, I laughed a lot, especially at Will Ferel's bit role. Austin, my city of residence, is also the backdrop which makes everyone feel nice. It seems though that the Wilson brothers were a little too proud of Austin, TX. At one point near the beginning Texas is mentioned, then he turns the corner in his car to show a TX license plate, then another shot as he drives into the distance and a huge Texas flag flutters above.

I don't want it to sound like I hated it, but I really wished for more. Luke didn't seem to work out everything quite as well as he could have, he even threw in some random voice over to help the plot hobble along. If you are looking for a fun movie that should have maybe starred Burt Reynolds circa 1972 then this is your movie, if you are looking for a tightly formed narrative then look elsewhere.
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Enjoyable...loved the soundtrack
johnnyl32128 November 2007
Watched it last night for the first time. Although it wasn't "slapstick" humor, I still felt it was thoroughly enjoyable. In fact, it seemed almost like a breath of fresh air. Not as formulaic as a lot of other comedies out there, thank goodness. I especially enjoyed Luke's character of Wendell Baker. He comes across as being forever boyish until he does experience loss in his life. Harry Stanton and Seymour Cassel really do bring a unique air to the film, being septuagenarians with a fervid love of life. Kristofferson's character I felt could have used a bit more development, but is overall well acted nonetheless.

The soundtrack to this movie really helped a lot. If it had to be called a flavor, I'd call it "Texas BarBQ"...flavorful, colorful and spicy. Very unique.

In short, this would be the kind of movie you could watch with your family and not be embarrassed.
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After the Royal Tennebaums, there was this secondary gift from the Wilson family, quite fun
inkblot1119 August 2014
Wendell Baker (Luke Wilson) is picked up one work day in south Texas by his longtime girlfriend, Doreen (Eva Mendes). He is startled to have her pull over for a chat. Its a day of reckoning. Eva loves Wendell but she is unhappy that he can't hold down a steady job and that he is always pursuing get-rich schemes. So, she wants to move on and Wendell has to play along. Shortly after, WB and his close friend Reyes (Jacob Vargax, from Romy and Michelle) are caught by cops in their side business of giving identification cards to migrant farm workers so they can stay in the United States. Pleading for leniency for Reyes, Wendell takes most of the punishment, two years in prison. But, when he gets out, he's a changed man. He's going to enter the hotel business and get Doreen back. But, first, the Feds say he has to work at the "retirement hotel" run by an evil nurse (Owen Wilson) and his nefarious sidekick (Eddie Griffin). All too soon it becomes clear that the residents of this place are in fear for their lives from the two people in charge. Can WB team with a few of them to turn the tables on those who would do them all wrong? Yes! This fun film was written by Luke Wilson, directed by Andrew Wilson and starring Owen and Luke Wilson. Its Wilson entertainment and its enjoyable. It also stars some wonderful secondary actors in Vargas, Mendes, Griffin, Harry Dean Stanton, Seymour Cassel, and Kris Kristofferson. What a pleasure this company is! The sets in Rio Grande area Texas are harshly beautiful while the costumes and other amenities are just fine, thank you. Are you up for a sequel to the Tennebaums? If you said yes, get the WB story now!
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a good laugh and an easy watch
rob-93313 March 2005
The Wendell Baker Story will never be listed as movie classic. It will not score at acting awards, and it does have a profound message. That said, it manages to entertain, make us laugh and smile, and provide through enjoyment without insulting our intelligence, and without resorting to endless car chases, fire crashes, or silly special effects.

What we have here is old-fashioned movie entertainment – solid acting, an engaging story, and all of the basics done solidly: costuming, direction, lighting, editing, and, especially, music.

Both Luke and Owen Wilson are more than competent in their respective roles as a light-weight con man and a conspiring old home administrator/head nurse. Indeed, I saw a little more acting talent here than in Owen Wilson's other recent attempts, such as Behind Enemy Lines.

While Owen and Luke's name may be at the head of the credits (along with their brother Andrew, who is the film's Director), the best performances come from Harry Dean Stanton and Seymour Cassell, who play playful, but sincere and believable residents of the old age home where Luke Wilson's character works, and which Owen Wilson's character runs. Alas, the same cannot be said for the legend Kris Kristofferson, whose roll comes off as predictable and trite, with the same artificial "I am wise and serene" facial expression done far too many times.

The story is easy enough. Wendell Baker (Luke Wilson) spends his time scheming his next (read first) fortune, planning all kinds of shady and illegal schemes. Baker and his friend (played by Jacob Vargas) get caught providing fake Texas identifications to illegal immigrant farm workers. He ends up in a federal jail in Texas, where he gets along well and does not seem to miss his girlfriend, played by Eva Mendes.

Baker is eventually paroled, and ordered to work at a "retirement hotel." While little happens at the retirement place, Baker does not learn of an ongoing to scheme to ship seniors to Oklahoma, so that the administrators can collect their pension checks and sell their medicines on the black market. OK, so it is not Shakespeare. It is light, it moves at a good pace, and Wendell becomes more and more liked by the audience.

If one looks, there are messages to be had. We are reminded that senior citizens have passions and sex drives, that the people pouring across the border from Mexico largely just want to work and get by, and that all of us deserve a second chance. Bets of all, we learn this by being happily entertained by a fun, easy-going movie.
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Spaceygirl13 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Kris Kristofferson, Seymour Cassell & Harry Dean Stanton carry this little film on their able backs. They are hilarious. Harry Dean Stanton in particular is brilliant in his part. The Owen brothers are usually good but in this they're mediocre, even though Owen Wilson relishes his role as a 'villain'. Will Ferrell has fun in a small, but pivotal role. It's a silly film with a silly plot, you'd be forgiven for forgetting within five minutes of seeing it. Eva Mendes,though luminous, doesn't have much to do with her role and is criminally under-used. The script is weak and the dialogue inane. The cinematography is pretty though but does not make up for a bad film.
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not a barn-burner but sweet and witty
Buddy-5114 December 2008
As played by Luke Wilson, Wendell Baker is the kind of character authors like to refer to as a "lovable rogue" - a smooth-talking scam artist with a tongue as nimble as the pen of a scribe (to borrow a phrase from scripture, if I may be so bold). The trouble is that a good-hearted guy can run afoul of the law for only so long before he risks losing the woman he loves (Eva Mendes) and before he is finally forced into taking a long, hard look at his life. Thus, once he's paroled from prison, Wendell decides to go straight by taking a job at a retirement home (he's been duped into believing that this is a first step on the road to a career in hotel management) run by a sadistic administrator (Owen Wilson) and his toadying staff. There's a little of the feel of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," as the con man leads the put-upon inmates of the "asylum" in a well-coordinated rebellion against their oppressors.

The chief attraction of "The Wendell Baker Story" is the opportunity it affords us of seeing the Wilson brothers appearing together in the same movie - and what a treat it turns out to be. Luke has written a script filled with the kind of dry, wry wit that has been the hallmark of both of their performances over the years, and their scenes together crackle with understated cynicism and humor (Luke co-directed the feature with yet another brother, Andrew, making this a family affair in the fullest sense of the term). The movie is also blessed with an amazing team of supporting players, including Harry Dean Stanton and Seymour Cassel as spry oldsters who find a supportive helpmate in Wendell Baker; Kris Kristofferson as a mysterious, stoic resident who is harboring a carefully guarded secret about his past; Will Ferrell as the grocery store owner who is Wendell's chief rival for his now ex-girlfriend's affections; and Eddie Griffin who serves as chief henchman for the home's scalawag of a director.

Their performances and the laidback tone of the humor compensate for the occasional dry spots and the fact that the movie itself doesn't really add up to all that much when all is said and done.
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It's a start...
Polaris_DiB5 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Most people know Owen Wilson. Many people know Luke Wilson. Few people are probably familiar with Andrew Wilson. He's the hand with the BB in it in The Royal Tenenbaums. He pops up from time to time in Anderson movies and other movies with the Wilsons in them. But maybe he's a bit more camera shy and doesn't want to be an image on the screen, so for the most part he hasn't followed the same path as his brothers. Now, apparently, he's directing. Cool! This is probably the hardest type of movie to review. Simply stated, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, but it isn't very good.

The imagery is nice. The story is pleasant, but predictable. The humor I get, but it's kind of slow and isn't really memorable. Character development feels added as an after-thought, but at least it's there. It honestly feels like O Brother Where Art Thou? meets My Name is Earl without the skill of the former or the humor of the latter. It's a very non-specific movie, which is why I feel very non-specific about it.

I'd state that as an entertainment medium, it's worth a rental, but that it probably won't be on shelves for long. In the meantime, Luke and Andrew Wilson show enough skill in directing that perhaps either or both of them can go on to make some much more interesting movies in the future. For now, though, I wouldn't really recommend this movie to anyone in particular as it doesn't really feel like it has much personality.

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"It's hard to hold onto your idealism after you've lost your innocence"
rooprect5 March 2012
This is a nice movie that packs some laughs & entertainment as well as an inspiring message. Luke Wilson plays the protagonist Wendell, a seemingly clueless dreamer whose "capitalist ventures" always land him in hot water.

This movie carries a great message about what it takes to succeed as a human being. In particular, the line in the title of my review (spoken by Kris Kristofferson) applies to Wendell. If you like movies about people who stay fresh & optimistic despite life's hard knocks, this is a good one to watch. Other films that delve into the same theme are "Little Miss Sunshine", "Chocolat", "The Marc Pease Experience" and the classic film "Zorba the Greek".

"The Wendell Baker Story" features a lot of veteran actors whom you may not recognize at first, such as Harry Dean Stanton (who played the leading role in "Paris Texas" and also a memorable role in "Alien"), Seymour Cassel (who got an Oscar nomination for his role in the 1968 film "Faces") and my favourite of the lot: Kris Kristofferson (one of the best musician-turned-actors I've ever seen).

Unfortunately, some powerful scenes featuring these actors were cut from the final version of this film. I suppose it was to give the movie more of a snappy comedic appeal instead of carrying a heavier vibe. But you can still see these scenes in the deleted material on the DVD.

The film, as it was released, balances itself squarely between comedy and heart. In other words, it's not a laugh-a-minute riot, nor is it a film that makes you stop & ponder your place in the universe ...though it could have gone either way. I suppose you can take it at your own pace. Me, I would've liked it to be at least a half hour longer & feature more of the dramatic scenes that were cut.

The music is a real treat and lends a nice, rustic Texas vibe to the whole show. Peppered throughout the film are songs by Bob Dylan, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, etc. Oddly enough I don't think there was anything by Kris Kristofferson. But his excellent performance on screen is enough to satisfy any fan.
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Really not funny...
Pookyiscute1 May 2006
I took my chances with this one, even though I kind of suspected from the looks of it, that it would be kind of dumb, and I was right.

Not the best of the Wilson brothers' writing. It's stupid, half-witted and quite frankly a waste of time and money.

The film is about Wendell Baker (Luke Wilson), who gets arrested for supplying illegal Mexicans with fake Texas State identification cards. After he is released from prison, he goes out looking for his ex-girlfriend, and gets a job at a retirement home. Owen Wilson plays the head nurse, and although there are a few funny lines from time to the end it's a very bad movie.

I think that the film would have been better had there been more tight shots, more quick dialogue and hadn't of had the worst music ever.

I give it a three simply because it was creative and there were a few funny parts, but all in all it was just terrible, and I would definitely not recommend it.
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pleasantly surprised me by leaving me warm
ash_hyp30 December 2009
I think the reviews here are a little unfair to the impact of the movie. As far as I go, it's that rare heartwarming movie that stays with you even after the end of the credits. What I liked about the story was the infusion of wit and cheek in the simplicity and goodwill of the plot. Wendell Baker is a greatly likable scamp who has his heart in more than one right place. The attention to racial sensitivity, for example, affirms Baker's charm, from his mercenary yet political business of selling fake ids to immigrant Mexicans to joking with his black inmates about 'aryans and crips ruling together', which had me laughing because of the ease with which he does or says those things. I'm probably ruining those moments by making them explicit because it's precisely the subtlety and matter-of-factness with which these things are woven into his crazy character that make him work for me. The gender angle, on the other hand,, was pretty screwed, because who cares for old women? Another thing I liked was that the movie ends on a note of reasonable success, not the sort of incredible feat that one is asked to admire in movies like the pursuit of happiness. All this, and Luke Wilson looking so cute is why I'd rate the movie above average.
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I thought it would be better
dustinhunter7072 November 2007
OK now I have always liked Luke and Owen Wilson as well as many other stars in this film such as Eddie Griffin, Eva Mendes, Kris Kristofferson, and Will Ferrell but for some reason this movie wasn't funny at all. It was more dramatic and from the looks of the trailer, I was expecting a comedy with several laughs since it starred Luke and Owen Wilson, but I only laughed like twice the whole movie and I was expecting to laugh way more. It kind of tells the life of Wendell Baker, but it really fails to make anything about his life funny like they should have. Overall I give this a 4 out of 10 because I was expecting a comedy, not a drama. I wouldn't recommend this to comedy fans, but if you are looking for something different and you are a Luke Wilson fan then you may like this, but i'm not sure because I am a Luke Wilson fan and I didn't even like this one.
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a light comedy with local color
modelcadet183 April 2005
I just saw The Wendell Baker Story at what is its third screening, at the Virginia Film Festival in Charlottesville.

Although, as stated in the prior comment, this movie will be no cult nor mainstream classic, it is highly entertaining. For a comedy, it is considerably light: the humor is mostly situational.

I personally found Wendell Baker's greatest success in the developing of the secondary characters as foils. The movie does not have opening credits, instead only introducing the title. As such, I was pleasantly surprised to see many high profile actors in roles fitting well within the film. In the post-screening interview, Luke Wilson discussed how this choice for no opening credits was as an "album cover" and that, with the focus directly on the introduction of an Austin Texas feel.

The acting in the film is generally good. Highlights for me were the performances of Grant James and Kris Kristofferson. I was, unfortunately, disappointed in Eva Mendes' delivery of her character. I feel the 'girlfriend who 'the guy' loses' cliché could have been as fresh as the other foil supporting characters.

The film has many beautiful shots on location in Texas, although the editing at times is choppy (granted the film is still not finished). The music is absolutely wonderful: the folky rock feel contributing in subtle persistence to the southwestern feel of the film.

I enjoyed this film. It was not profound... do not go to this movie to see another Royal Tenenbaums. The film is a comedy, but it is neither dark nor slapstick. It very much reminds me of Sideways in that both take advantage of a specific local color create a more personal and more relaxed movie. As such, while not often was I laughing, the ever-present humor kept me entertained.
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Stay with this film, it turns out to be good after all.
jaybob9 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What we have here is a shaggy dog story, crazy, improbable BUT eventually likable.

I was ready to shut this off after about 20 or so minutes. I am glad I stuck with it.

Luke Wilson wrote the screenplay, & he & brother Andrew directed.Good idea as Luke plays the lead role & it is not really good policy to direct yourself especially if you are doing the main character.

The film was made in 2003,played in some festivals in 2005 & did have a very short run in no more than 17 theatres in 2007.

They did not know or maybe even care how to market this.

Running time of 99 minutes is too long, This is really only about a 75 minute movie with about 24 minutes of needless time consuming useless songs.

I did wind up liking this because of the featured players.

Kris Kristopherson, Seymour Cassell & Harry Dean Stanton, 3 of the best supporting actors,make their scenes alive with wonderful timing & pure enjoyment.

Luke Wilson is fine in the lead,ably supported by his brother Owen Wilson,. They are not boisterous comics,& this is not the type of film for hysterical comedy. Will Ferrell is very good in a toned down role.

Also well acted turns by Eddie Griffith & Jacob Vargas.

We of course have a beautiful actress who pursues throughout.

The last 40 minutes make the film worthwhile & that is why I am giving it a mild thumbs up.

Ratings: ***(out of 4) 81 points (out of 100) IMDb 7 (out of 10)
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Weak But Amiable
boblipton18 July 2020
Luke Wilson is a drug dealer who comes out of prison less of a wiseacre than when he went in. He's got a job at an old-folk's home, but despite his amiability, when he sees his old girl friend, Eva Mendes, he wants to reconnect. The old geezers at the home try to help him out.

It's an amiable if underwritten movie, carried on the charms of its leads..... but they don't seem to be up to making this movie work. A good cast, including Owen Wilson, Seymour Cassell, Harry Dean Stanton and Kris Kristoferson collect paychecks.
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It was a little bit better than I expected it to be, but not that good overall.
TxMike25 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Simple. That is an appropriate summary of "The Wendell Baker Story." It was written and directed by Luke Wilson, who also plays the title role. And, it comes across more as a simple story and vanity project than it does a feature movie. Shot in and around Austin, Texas, it is a story of a small time con artist who gets a chance to go straight after a prison term, and perhaps re-win the affection of his one true love.

Luke Wilson is Wendell Baker, who makes fake Texas I.D. cards just across the border into Mexico. When he gets busted, he spends a few years in the Huntsville prison, where he has a knack for making friends and being helpful. Bored, he reads Conrad Hilton's book and, when up for parole gets a chance to work at a "retirement" hotel.

This "hotel" is being mis-run by Neil King (brother Owen Wilson) for his own benefit and, when certain residents get to be a burden get shipped out to a "farm" in Oklahoma. Wendell decides that he will rescue these poor should and expose Mr King for what he is.

Two of the more interesting characters in the "hotel" are Seymour Cassel as Boyd and Harry Dean Stanton as Skip. Kris Kristofferson is Nasher, who turns out to be someone totally different from what others think.

Eva Mendes is Doreen, who grew up knowing Wendell, and as the movie starts is Wendell's girlfriend. But she gets tired of waiting for him to "find" himself and moves on.

It is obvious that Luke Wilson wrote the script to be meaningful in places about relationships, but to me it came across as shallow. A mostly entertaining 95 minutes, but in the end not much of a movie. Nothing memorable.

SPOILERS: Nasher turns out to be a pilot, and he flies them to Oklahoma to retrieve the men that had be "Greyhounded" there. After, he disappears. With the help of two 16 year old girls they had met at a convenience store, Wendell, Boyd, and Skip get the cops onto King and his assistant. Then, Wendell finds out that Nasher really was a wealthy oil and hotel magnate who is requesting that Wendell run his flagship hotel in Austin on Lake Travis. There Wendell finally gets Doreen back.
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Wendell Baker Story- A Nothing Biography **
edwagreen29 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Wilson Brothers- Owen and Luke star in this film which is basically nothing with nothing.

Luke, as the corrupt individual bilking Medicare patients, is totally unconvincing here as well as out-of-character. He still appears that he can be taken to the cleaners at any time.

Who cares if Eva Mendes wants Owen or not. She is totally unappealing in her role.

Owen starts out as a smuggler of illegal Mexican immigrants and after he is jailed and pardoned, he is assigned to work at a senior citizens' residents where he sees much corruption.

Harry Dean Stanton is also dead-pan in his role as one of the seniors. Isn't he always? It's nice seeing Seymour Cassel in a film? He was so appealing years ago in his supporting Oscar nominated performance in "Faces."

Even the ending here is unappealing. Big surprise that good will eventually triumph over evil.

Who was Kris Kristoferson supposed to be in this film? Howard Hughes?
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so many wilsons!
ksf-28 February 2023
Sometimes when a film is written, directed, produced, and starring the same person, it doesn't always go well. When wendell (luke wilson) gets out of prison, he goes to work at a retirement home. But an hour into the film, we find out one of the other employees is running a scam on the seniors. And he gets together a posse to put a stop to it. So many scenes just go on sooooooo long. And go from funny to serious in two seconds. Which is okay for a drama, but not for a comedy. The jokes are far and few between. It should have been so much funnier with will ferrell involved. This couldn't decide if it wanted to be a drama or a comedy. Kind of uneven. It's not awful, just okay. Co-stars eva mendes, and a whole slew of wilsons family members. Harry stanton and kris kristofferson. I think if the script had been jazzed up, it would have been a much (funnier) stronger film. And to be fair, it is wilson's first screenplay. There is some cool music in here!
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Waite for the late night reruns!
mikeba4922 January 2008
Don't waste your time.

Next to the "Rat brained Humans" creation of John Travolta, this rates as the worst movie ever and I like the Wilson boy's quirky on screen persona's. Their characters are usually interesting when directed and written well.

The first act takes 80 minutes to develop a plodding, uninteresting list of characters and histrionics. Cassel and Stanton bring some of the only bright spots to the story as co-heroes.

When the second act sets up the drama with Luke Wilson and a sleeper like Howard Hughes character in Kris Kristofferson as Heroes pitted against the villainous Owen Wilson and Eddie Griffin, your left to wonder "who cares"? And finally, the good old boys saves the day finale, is counter climatically. Wilson was really to clueless to "get the girl".

Sorry Wilson Bro's, but you blew it!!
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Not only can't Luke Wilson act, he also can't write or direct
bburns23 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm supposed to like "The Wendell Baker Story". From having lived in the Austin area for the last 27 years and in Austin proper for the last 11, I recognized most of the locales in the film. Plus, I went to the University of Texas at the same time the Wilson brothers did (along with Matthew McConaughey & Renee Zellweger). I will freely admit that I like brother Owen's screenplays directed by Wes Anderson ("Bottle Rocket", "Rushmore", "The Royal Tennenbaums"). And Luke Wilson--as both writer and director--attempts to emulate the Owen/Wes style in this movie. Unfortunately, his skills as a writer don't match his brother's, and as a director he seems grossly incompetent. And as lead actor, he--as always--gets by on his good looks and Texas accent rather than any discernible talent.

The story is about Wendell Baker (Luke Wilson), a huckster who gets arrested for forging fake id's for illegal aliens. After he gets out of jail, he finds that his girlfriend Doreen (Eva Mendes) has dumped him and most of his friends want nothing more to do with him. While Wendell was in jail, he studied the hotel business, and that lands him a job in a retirement home run by the evil Neil King (Owen Wilson) and his henchman McTeague (Eddie Griffin). It's not much of a spoiler to say that Wendell saves the day, wins back Doreen and makes a few quirky friends along the way. But I won't give any details as to how this is accomplished.

Like "Rushmore", this is very much a story about a misfit who doesn't get that he's a misfit. Also, like Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson, the film is peppered with really great--if somewhat obscure--songs from a bygone era. But whereas Owen and Wes opt for British pop music from the 1960's, Luke prefers Texas Outlaw country music from the 1970's. He even casts Kris Kristofferson in a key role and Billy Joe Shaver in a small role. Between the two of them, they wrote nearly half the country hits between 1969 and 1980.

Also unlike Owen Wilson, whose characters are funny, quirky and sad, Wilson's characters are merely quirky. And unlike Wes Anderson, Luke doesn't know how to properly set up a shot or light an indoor set. Most of the indoor scenes are dramatically under-lit. Often, the sun coming through a window will render a character's arm or stomach visible, but the head will be shrouded in darkness. This would work well if this were a film noir, but given that this is supposed to be a feel-good comedy, I have to assume this was not intentional. It is a real problem in the scenes that Owen and Luke have together, since the only physical difference between the two is their hair color.

I also need to say that the acting--except for the notable exception of Will Ferrell making the most of a small part--is mediocre at best. Luke Wilson has always been one of the blandest actors in Hollywood. Owen is a talented actor, but not here. Eddie Griffin is truly awful. Although Eva Mendes is pretty to look at, she's not much of an actress. And it's really saying something when I mention that Luke can't wring a good performance out of Harry Dean Stanton or Seymour Cassel.

There are things that I liked about this movie. I have already mentioned the soundtrack and Will Ferrell's performance. I also give Wilson props for filming in North Central Austin (where I once lived and still frequent) instead of the usual haunts of UT, downtown and South Austin (seen in "Slacker", "The Life of David Gale" and "Grindhouse") where I rarely have any reason for going.

Overall, I would have to say this movie was done by an enthusiastic but talentless amateur trying too hard to step out of his more-talented brother's shadow. But for Will Ferrell, I would have given this 5 out of 10. But Ferrell is so good, I will give it an extra star.
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The Wendell Baker Story
random_avenger14 September 2010
In his writing and directing debut, Luke Wilson plays Wendell Baker, a laid-back loser who decides to start a new life after being released on parole from prison. He gets a job at an old people's retirement home led by the shady head nurse Neil King (Owen Wilson) and his assistant McTeague (Eddie Griffin) who keep shamelessly embezzling the inhabitants' meager income. With a few spirited residents, Wendell starts an operation to put an end to King's schemes and to win back the heart of his old girlfriend Doreen (Eva Mendes).

There are many attempts at good jokes in the movie, but sadly the Wilsons' lack of directing experience is glaringly obvious. The different plot lines are very clunkily connected and don't feel like they belong in the same movie at all. The Wendell character's change of nature during his prison time is not very convincing and even if it was, his relationship with the responsible Doreen never rings true. In a lighthearted comedy it wouldn't necessarily matter, but since the Doreen plot line (involving Will Ferrell as her new boyfriend) is the most serious one in the movie, it only feels awkward and out of place.

The King and McTeague characters look like they belong in a dark comedy, while Wendell and his elderly friends' trip to the farm of King's mother would be closer to a cheeky road trip movie. The trip sequence is the one that works the best in any case, thanks to the charismatic supporting actors Harry Dean Stanton and Seymour Cassel as the ever-virile Skip and Boyd who keep stealing the show from the bland Wilson. Kris Kristofferson is wasted in a small role though; I wish that the movie had spent more time with the old folks anyway instead of trying to fit so many different story lines in one tale.

It looks like the script was a little too far-reaching for the first-time directors, as now the movie doesn't seem to know if it wants to be more of a drama or comedy; the elements and plot lines just don't mix well into a successful dramedy either. Even though I did enjoy the setting in the Southern USA and some of the constantly playing country songs on the soundtrack, over all I cannot really call the film good at all. Perhaps with more writing and directing experience the Wilsons can eventually produce a more streamlined effort, but as it is now, The Wendell Baker Story remains clumsy and artificial.
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I wanted to like this movie...
brendan-953 November 2007
I really wanted to like this movie as I'm a big fan of Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums and Bottle Rocket. However, this film was just poorly put together. I kept expecting it to get better but gave up after about an hour. I'm still in shock from the amateur look and feel of this flick. The Owen brothers have done such quality work in the past. How could this have happened? Why was the film released in this condition? Somebody must have dropped something in the brother's coffee because these guys can do much better. I did enjoy the roles for Harry Dean Stanton and Seymour Cassel. Their acting redeemed the movie a bit and made me keep watching. Eddie Griffin and Owen Wilson, surprisingly, don't do a very good job with their characters. I was very disappointed but I still have faith that the brothers will release a quality film the next go round.
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saw it at vail film fest
ljolson7 April 2005
I saw the Wendell Baker Story last weekend at the Vail film festival and thought it was a charming, funny, truly enjoyable movie. It was very different from Luke Wilson's work with Owen Wilson & Wes Anderson, but in a great way. The quirkiness of Anderson's films was evident, but there was an added tenderness and empathy between the characters, which says a lot about the quality of the script, the direction, and the acting. Luke Wilson was very appealing in the title role--his face is so expressive! As always, Owen Wilson & Will Ferrell were hysterical. I'd recommend this movie to anyone who likes not only the Owen/Anderson combination, but to anyone who likes romantic comedies. (I must mention, and I hope this doesn't sound derogatory, the scenery in the film made me want to visit Texas for the first time ever.)
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Rather generic and dull
Floated231 July 2020
Given the state of this films release, didn't have such high expectations. Just expecting sone solid humor. However this film isn't really much, the film isn't too funny, the plot is quite thin and after a while everything becomes very predictable and stale.

Luke Wilson does play his part well enough, from when we first see him. He is rather cocky and over confident then after while coming out of prison his entire persona changes and becomes quite likeable. But even so, nothing quite memorable. Will Ferrell has a few scenes- some are the highlight. Several different characters- none of which quite stand out.

In the end this film is just rather generic and not so much to think about. Ultimately forgettable.
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Spartan Aircraft Co. goes to the movies with the Wilson Bros.
katzfilm-129 June 2007
In the first reel of "The Wendell Baker Story" there are many exterior and interior shots of what I reckon to be a '54 Spartan Royal Mansion. The movie was set and shot in and around Austin Texas so the vintage mobile home sports Texas plates. It was nice to see the old bird under tow (by a mid-80s El Camino, I think) though it was distressing to see the leading man swing a golf club inside the coach (what I could see of the interior past a heavy, goofy set decoration, was definitely unrestored and kinda rough) and play for laughs the joke of his 9 iron crunching into and getting stuck in a birch wood ceiling panel. Even though the vintage coach in this movie wasn't a beautifully restored specimen (of which there are many available) or a vintage coach preserved in original condition, still it was thrilling to see a mid-fifties Spartan featured in the movie as a key set piece. What caused me to groan out loud in the theater was the leading man, with the exquisite curves of his Spartan Aircraft Company trailer fleshing out the near background,refer to it as an Airstream.

To the production designer's (or art director's) credit, the movie was an ode to vintage aluminum, for also featured in this movie was a beautiful polished vintage twin beech aircraft, the progenitor of the airframe construction technique -- aluminum skin riveted to aluminum studs --used by Spartan Aircraft Co. to such great effect for more than forty years. And continuing the aluminum theme, in a much shorter appearance, a shiny Haliburton valise was used as a key prop.

I don't know if this light and entertaining movie about a quirky character is still in release in your neighborhood, but I'd be a terrific DVD rental. Even if you are not a vintage trailer fan, take a look at this well made little picture.

Spartanaciously, Michael Katz
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Mixed up movie .........
merklekranz30 September 2010
"The Wendell Baker Story" has a couple of giggles, but you would expect a lot more from a cast like this. Seymour Cassel and Harry Dean Stanton provide the most interesting characters, with their small parts. Kris Kristofferson is also quite good, but the Wilsons and Eva Mendes are totally unappealing. The movie really tries to accomplish way too much, and the chop shop editing is downright annoying. Is it a comedy, or a romance, or a drama? I give up and so will you, because in the end, it all adds up to very little. Skip this one and you won't be missing much, other than a pretty fair soundtrack. ............................................ MERK
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