Not long after Polokus the god and spirit of a newly created planet. An army of Robo-Pirates led by Admiral Razorbeard taking over and enslave the planet, holding the captured inhabitants in the pirates' prison ship, "The Buccaneer"! Eventually, Rayman and his friends are captured, but with some help from his best friend Globox they escape, but get separated in the process. As he progresses along in search of help from Ly the Fairy, he learns that the pirates have broken the Heart of the World, the world's core, into 1000 lums that have then been scattered all over the planet, weakening the world as a result. It's all up to Rayman and whatever help he can get to collect these lums but more importantly, retrieve the 4 legendary Masks that are said to awaken the Great Polokus, the planet's greatest hope to exterminate the Robo-Pirates and once again liberate the world.
—Anthony Pereyra <>