78 reviews
- The_Movie_Cat
- Aug 21, 2006
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- imdb-13841
- May 7, 2006
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When I imagine being shipwrecked on a remote island, with nothing to eat except for what I can catch in the sea, the sun beating down, and only the rags I was washed up in to wear for the foreseeable future, it's not an appealing prospect. When I imagine the same situation, only in the company of busty Brit babe Kelly Brook, whose entire wardrobe consists of a tiny white bikini and a green chiffon scarf, being so far away from civilisation suddenly seems much more bearable
In Three (AKA Survival Island), boat-hand Manuel (Juan Pablo Di Pace) finds himself stranded on a deserted island with Jennifer (played by voluptuous Brook) after a fire on a chartered yacht forces them overboard. Manuel takes a liking to Jennifer ('cos, you know, he's not blind, or gay) but he's barely had time to acquaint himself with the lovely lady before another survivor is washed up on the island: Jennifer's husband Jack (Billy Zane), who's none too happy at seeing Manuel eyeing up his tasty wife. Two's company and three's a crowd, as the saying goes, and pretty soon Jack and Manuel are at each other's throats, and with Jennifer eventually succumbing to Manuel's charms, it ain't going to end well.
There's no two ways about it, Three is utter trash. But it's entertaining trash. Kelly Brook can't act to save her life but she's got a killer set of curves, and with the gorgeous gal strutting around in her swimsuit, occasionally taking it off for a swim or to have sex in the surf, I was never bored. Zane overacts for all he's worth, but he doesn't care—he was too busy hooking up with Brook in real life to care about giving a decent performance. Juan Pablo Di Pace is forgettable as the Latino hunk, but he serves a purpose: he's there to for the ladies to lust over while the guys are drooling over Ms. Brook's bod.
In Three (AKA Survival Island), boat-hand Manuel (Juan Pablo Di Pace) finds himself stranded on a deserted island with Jennifer (played by voluptuous Brook) after a fire on a chartered yacht forces them overboard. Manuel takes a liking to Jennifer ('cos, you know, he's not blind, or gay) but he's barely had time to acquaint himself with the lovely lady before another survivor is washed up on the island: Jennifer's husband Jack (Billy Zane), who's none too happy at seeing Manuel eyeing up his tasty wife. Two's company and three's a crowd, as the saying goes, and pretty soon Jack and Manuel are at each other's throats, and with Jennifer eventually succumbing to Manuel's charms, it ain't going to end well.
There's no two ways about it, Three is utter trash. But it's entertaining trash. Kelly Brook can't act to save her life but she's got a killer set of curves, and with the gorgeous gal strutting around in her swimsuit, occasionally taking it off for a swim or to have sex in the surf, I was never bored. Zane overacts for all he's worth, but he doesn't care—he was too busy hooking up with Brook in real life to care about giving a decent performance. Juan Pablo Di Pace is forgettable as the Latino hunk, but he serves a purpose: he's there to for the ladies to lust over while the guys are drooling over Ms. Brook's bod.
- BA_Harrison
- Sep 22, 2014
- Permalink
His wife betrays him for food with the one who burned their ship or their boat and eventually she is the heroine.
What's this?
- alankaboot
- Sep 25, 2019
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How pointless, hideous characters and boring film. Saved by brief sex scenes, mad witch, gorgeous desert island and Brooks body. The plot is tenuous, the characters are shallow and unlikeable. Having said that I did manage to watch it all, mainly because I was totally transfixed by the jiggling and kind of hoping that her character would come good in the end. The film was well shot, well directed but perhaps the casting let it down in some ways. Disappointing. Really summed the review up in the first line but this website dictates that you need to write 10 lines minimum. It would be better to spend the time watching another film.
- joel-kalin
- Jul 18, 2006
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- Bowling_King
- Sep 17, 2006
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An incredibly beautiful woman washes up on the beach. She turns out to be a "teaser" as writer-director Stewart Raffill flashes back to what happened before a boating mishap. Restarting, two wealthy couples arrange for a yacht in the Bahamas to take them out for some fishing and fun on the water. One couple may really be shark food, apparently. Focus on the other couple, balding but rich Billy Zane (as Jack) and his beautifully proportioned wife Kelly Brook (as Jennifer). They hire muscular wavy-haired Juan Pablo Di Pace (as Manuel) to serve drinks and help out on the boat. You get the picture? If not, you don't pick up signals very well...
Now, also part of the set-up is an arousing local native, hot-tempered Maria Victoria Di Pace. She has a fight with Mr. Pablo Di Pace before the ship hits the sea. You should note how they slap each other around. As a parallel, Ms. Brook likes to be tied up while Mr. Zane reels it in...
Maria likes to draw pentagrams and play with her voodoo doll. This seems to drive the plot of the "Three" sex-obsessed "Survival Island" inhabitants. Women must end up on top. It is silly in the opening scenes and gets sillier later. So, why is this film any good? A couple of reasons...
You should not be asking how Mr. Zane washes up on the beach with bloody feet. Maybe he found an air pocket under water and ran around on sharp sea shells; possibly, the baggies covering Zane's feet slipped off just before he reappears. Ignore the voodoo and incongruities. If a Bic pen can survive, so can a cigarette lighter. Mr. Raffill and his crew, especially photographer Tony Imi, skillfully present pretty scenes in a luscious location. The women and Pablo Di Pace are incredibly beautiful, but the star attraction is absolutely Brook. Her wardrobe consists mainly of a white bikini and a big, sheer green shawl. She fits and fills the screen quite nicely. Brook never stops titillating and never has to try.
***** Survival Island/Three (11/16/2005) Stewart Raffill ~ Kelly Brook, Billy Zane, Juan Pablo Di Pace, Maria Victoria Di Pace
Now, also part of the set-up is an arousing local native, hot-tempered Maria Victoria Di Pace. She has a fight with Mr. Pablo Di Pace before the ship hits the sea. You should note how they slap each other around. As a parallel, Ms. Brook likes to be tied up while Mr. Zane reels it in...
Maria likes to draw pentagrams and play with her voodoo doll. This seems to drive the plot of the "Three" sex-obsessed "Survival Island" inhabitants. Women must end up on top. It is silly in the opening scenes and gets sillier later. So, why is this film any good? A couple of reasons...
You should not be asking how Mr. Zane washes up on the beach with bloody feet. Maybe he found an air pocket under water and ran around on sharp sea shells; possibly, the baggies covering Zane's feet slipped off just before he reappears. Ignore the voodoo and incongruities. If a Bic pen can survive, so can a cigarette lighter. Mr. Raffill and his crew, especially photographer Tony Imi, skillfully present pretty scenes in a luscious location. The women and Pablo Di Pace are incredibly beautiful, but the star attraction is absolutely Brook. Her wardrobe consists mainly of a white bikini and a big, sheer green shawl. She fits and fills the screen quite nicely. Brook never stops titillating and never has to try.
***** Survival Island/Three (11/16/2005) Stewart Raffill ~ Kelly Brook, Billy Zane, Juan Pablo Di Pace, Maria Victoria Di Pace
- wes-connors
- Dec 13, 2016
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- weezeralfalfa
- Mar 21, 2018
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I don't know why everyone is so "up in arms" about this movie. I have definitely seen far worse. Granted, this is no artistic masterpiece, but the movie has an interesting premise, decent character development, good camera and more than acceptable sound. In addition, I was actually surprised to see that Billy Zane can actually do some pretty convincing acting.
I would define this film as a pretty good thriller with a picture-postcard background. I am not a fan of Kelly Brook or her cleavage, but I still found this to be a rather entertaining movie. I recommend you watch it and judge for yourself...
I would define this film as a pretty good thriller with a picture-postcard background. I am not a fan of Kelly Brook or her cleavage, but I still found this to be a rather entertaining movie. I recommend you watch it and judge for yourself...
It's amazing that Kelly Brook's character can actually be more dislikeable as the film goes on. You can create a drinking game every time you hear her British accent come out. Billy Zane seems to revel in the role, but I think it's because he gets to spend the shoot on an island and he doesn't have to shave his head.Juan Pablo Di Pace plays a good hornball.
- ralphflannigan-02882
- Jun 21, 2017
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I can only assume the previous posts came from execs at the production company...
Attended the UK premiere last night. Zane and Brook attended (they probably knew I was gonna be there) and are undoubtedly stars, but what a turkey of a film. I felt sorry for them at times, when the audience erupted in laughter at what were serious 'thriller' scenes.
But perhaps I was missing the point. Perhaps an element of tongue-in-cheek was intended. If so, pure genius. If not, career genocide.
On the plus side, Zane always shines, and Brook can actually act a little. As the other half said (as we ran out the cinema, avec broken ribs), they can be forgiven for this film as they both seem like nice people! The scriptwriter, however, should be marooned.
Attended the UK premiere last night. Zane and Brook attended (they probably knew I was gonna be there) and are undoubtedly stars, but what a turkey of a film. I felt sorry for them at times, when the audience erupted in laughter at what were serious 'thriller' scenes.
But perhaps I was missing the point. Perhaps an element of tongue-in-cheek was intended. If so, pure genius. If not, career genocide.
On the plus side, Zane always shines, and Brook can actually act a little. As the other half said (as we ran out the cinema, avec broken ribs), they can be forgiven for this film as they both seem like nice people! The scriptwriter, however, should be marooned.
After a voodoo-inspired disaster at sea three survivors wash up on a deserted island. The three survivors are unfortunately played by Kelly Brook, Billy Zane and Juan Pablo Di Pace. Unfortunate because none of the three can act. Of course Brook wasn't hired because someone was under the impression she was her generation's Katharine Hepburn. She's just here to fill out a bikini which she does admirably. Sadly the script does in fact call for her to speak and every time she does the movie suffers terribly. Remarkably though, hers is not the worst acting performance in this hideous movie. That dubious distinction goes to Zane who is laughably atrocious. For a guy who once had some semblance of a legitimate acting career this is quite a nadir. The third wheel, Di Pace, is for good reason an anonymous nobody. He has no talent whatsoever, his horrible delivery of dialogue at least provides some chuckles. Our trio of terrible performers play a trio of terrible characters. Brook and Zane play a spoiled rich couple. She's an airhead bimbo, he's an insufferable jerk. Di Pace plays a guy who works on a boat bringing insufferable rich jerks beer. He is rather insufferable himself and, sadly for him, never learned that you don't hit women who know voodoo. You don't sympathize with any of the three characters, you certainly don't root for any of them. Forget hoping they get off the island, you just wish they'd die so the movie could be over. It's only 90 minutes long but it seems absolutely interminable. There are only two things even remotely worthwhile about the movie, both of which are located directly beneath Brook's neck. Lousy story, lousy acting, some of the worst dialogue ever written. No intrigue whatsoever. Which of the two jerks on the island will the bimbo end up with? Who cares? All attempts to build drama and tension fail miserably. This is a clear candidate for any list of the worst movies ever made.
This movie has got to be for guys in their late teens to early 30s. The movie is dull and boring. The only thing going for this movie is the bikini babes. The beach scenes are beautiful. The water looks extremely refreshing and exhilarating. Rich guys vs poor guy. Testosterone city there. The clash of testosterone over the beautiful bikini hot babe. Boring. Boring. Boring. The jungle of the island looks frightening with the hollowed trees and snake. This movie is for guys only, females need not watch. I would give this movie a one, however, the twist in the ending makes up for the guy bikini candy (the female star). So ladies let your guy watch this substanceless movie. Go shopping or to the gym instead. This movie could be over in 30 minutes or less. Way, way too long.
- jfarms1956
- Nov 8, 2013
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Okay you can send your brain to sleep while watching this but it's certainly watchable and a topless Kelly Brook, makes up for any failing in the acting, or script. It does actually improve as it goes along, with quite an interesting outcome. All in all it's actually a decent movie, if you get past the premise that being stranded on an exotic island with Kelly Brook, is way more remote (in chance), than the idyllic location.
- RatedVforVinny
- Jan 9, 2019
- Permalink
The story started out well by quickly going into action where we see two couples, including Billy Zane and Kelly Brook, chartering a boat in some area like in the Caribbean. One of the boat crew is played by Di Pace who gets into a quarrel with his girlfriend on the dock. Well, things don't go well after that because the girlfriend puts a curse on him.
They are now out on the ocean and there is an accident and one of the couple and Di Pace are the only survivors stranded on a tiny island with no way out. Tension begin to arise because of an attraction that is brewing between Pace and Brook. In the background, the ex-girlfriend is influencing the dynamics among the three individuals by using her voodoo powers. It all ends up with a final showdown between the parties I liked the premise of the story. It had good acting. Billy Zane is always a solid performer, albeit little bit over the top. Kelly Brook and Di Pace, both unknown to me did their part well. My problem with this movie is that the director or the person who wrote the script, seemed unsure whether this movie should be a supernatural story or a thriller. I suppose the movie can be both but if that was the case, the movie was not well executed for that purpose.
I also had problem with Billy Zane's character in that we don't know whether his behavior is influenced by voodoo or whether it was innate within him. As you can see, the script should have been rewritten to flesh out those important details.
Overall, a decent movie. I was going to give it a 4 but I am instead, going to give it a 5. In retrospect, it is not a bad movie. It is OK as a video movie but nothing else.
They are now out on the ocean and there is an accident and one of the couple and Di Pace are the only survivors stranded on a tiny island with no way out. Tension begin to arise because of an attraction that is brewing between Pace and Brook. In the background, the ex-girlfriend is influencing the dynamics among the three individuals by using her voodoo powers. It all ends up with a final showdown between the parties I liked the premise of the story. It had good acting. Billy Zane is always a solid performer, albeit little bit over the top. Kelly Brook and Di Pace, both unknown to me did their part well. My problem with this movie is that the director or the person who wrote the script, seemed unsure whether this movie should be a supernatural story or a thriller. I suppose the movie can be both but if that was the case, the movie was not well executed for that purpose.
I also had problem with Billy Zane's character in that we don't know whether his behavior is influenced by voodoo or whether it was innate within him. As you can see, the script should have been rewritten to flesh out those important details.
Overall, a decent movie. I was going to give it a 4 but I am instead, going to give it a 5. In retrospect, it is not a bad movie. It is OK as a video movie but nothing else.
- captaincameron
- Dec 16, 2016
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A wealthy couple are yachting in the Caribbean when their yacht catches fire. The couple and their crew abandon ship and the wife, Jennifer, a glamorous trophy wife much younger than her husband, ends up on a deserted island with Manuel, a handsome young crewman. Jennifer quickly realises that she needs the young man's help to find food and survive.
I imagine that I am not the only viewer to assume that "Survival Island" would turn out to be a remake of "Swept Away", only a couple of years after the event. And why would anyone want to remake "Swept Away", one of the worst movies of the 21st century and the film responsible for sweeping away the acting career of its leading lady, Madonna? Well, "Survival Island" does have a twist not found in "Swept Away", a twist indicated by its alternative title, "Three". Jennifer's husband Jack has also survived, and washes up on the island two days later. Jack is at first grateful to Manuel, who has helped to rescue him, but his gratitude later gives way to jealousy as he begins to suspect that a romantic attachment is growing up between Jennifer and Manuel, who is younger and better looking than Jack.
Perhaps the film should have been titled "Four", because Manuel also has a girlfriend, Maria. Admittedly, she was not on the yacht and does not end up on the island, but we see her back on the mainland doing a sort of voodoo dance, trying to put a curse on Manuel, whom she clearly suspects of being unfaithful to him.
So is the film as bad as "Swept Away"? Well, not quite. Very few films are as bad as "Swept Away", which suffers from bad directing, harsh, glaring lighting, a leading man unable to speak English and the worst performance of Madonna's career. (Worse than "Body of Evidence", which is saying something). Little wonder that it swept the board at the 2002 Golden Raspberry Awards, including (inter alia) "Worst Picture", "Worst Actress" for Madge and "Worst Director" for her then husband Guy Ritchie. (The film's male lead, Adriano Giannini, unaccountably missed out on "Worst Actor")."Survival Island", by comparison, did not receive a single Razzie nomination.
In terms of plot, "Survival Island" is as bad as the earlier film, or very nearly so. The "Maria" storyline is particularly bizarre, and for me it became even more so when I discovered that Manuel and Maria are played by brother and sister, Juan Pablo and Maria Victoria Di Pace. The initial sexual encounter between Jennifer and Manuel, like that between the characters played by Madonna and Giannini, seems to start off as rape and then turn into consensual sex. You don't have to be a feminist to find that tasteless and offensive. There were some other weird developments, such as the scene where Jack finds a boat and leaves it lying about for Jennifer and Manuel to steal, hoping that they will drown having failed to notice a hole in the bottom.
In terms of acting, however, "Survival Island" would appear to have the advantage, if only in the sense that the terminally mediocre is better than the screamingly awful. Its equivalent of the Material Girl is the Cindy Crawford lookalike Kelly Brook, one of Britain's leading all-round celebrities of the noughties, part-time actress, part-time television personality and part-time lads-mag model. I had always imagined that Kelly had drifted into acting when some producer caught sight of her voluptuous curves in the pages of a lads-mag, but in fact she was originally destined for an acting career, studying at the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts in London before drifting into modelling after winning a beauty contest. Here she does not really look like an alumna of so prestigious a stage school, but at least she learned enough there to avoid giving an exhibition of Bad Acting like the one given by Madonna in "Swept Away".
Similarly, Juan Pablo Di Pace as Manuel is rather forgettable, but at least a forgettable performance is better than Giannini's, which was memorable for all the wrong reasons. The best acting comes from Billy Zane, who does at least look as though he knows what he is doing. Zane and Brook fell in love while making the movie and later got engaged, but this does not seem to have affected his acting. (It may have affected hers; I never sensed that Jennifer hated Jack as much as he hated her).
So I think we can conclude that "Survival island" is not the worst ever "castaways on a desert island" film. I would, however, find it difficult to acquit it of the charge of being the second-worst. 3/10- appropriately enough in view of its alternative title.
I imagine that I am not the only viewer to assume that "Survival Island" would turn out to be a remake of "Swept Away", only a couple of years after the event. And why would anyone want to remake "Swept Away", one of the worst movies of the 21st century and the film responsible for sweeping away the acting career of its leading lady, Madonna? Well, "Survival Island" does have a twist not found in "Swept Away", a twist indicated by its alternative title, "Three". Jennifer's husband Jack has also survived, and washes up on the island two days later. Jack is at first grateful to Manuel, who has helped to rescue him, but his gratitude later gives way to jealousy as he begins to suspect that a romantic attachment is growing up between Jennifer and Manuel, who is younger and better looking than Jack.
Perhaps the film should have been titled "Four", because Manuel also has a girlfriend, Maria. Admittedly, she was not on the yacht and does not end up on the island, but we see her back on the mainland doing a sort of voodoo dance, trying to put a curse on Manuel, whom she clearly suspects of being unfaithful to him.
So is the film as bad as "Swept Away"? Well, not quite. Very few films are as bad as "Swept Away", which suffers from bad directing, harsh, glaring lighting, a leading man unable to speak English and the worst performance of Madonna's career. (Worse than "Body of Evidence", which is saying something). Little wonder that it swept the board at the 2002 Golden Raspberry Awards, including (inter alia) "Worst Picture", "Worst Actress" for Madge and "Worst Director" for her then husband Guy Ritchie. (The film's male lead, Adriano Giannini, unaccountably missed out on "Worst Actor")."Survival Island", by comparison, did not receive a single Razzie nomination.
In terms of plot, "Survival Island" is as bad as the earlier film, or very nearly so. The "Maria" storyline is particularly bizarre, and for me it became even more so when I discovered that Manuel and Maria are played by brother and sister, Juan Pablo and Maria Victoria Di Pace. The initial sexual encounter between Jennifer and Manuel, like that between the characters played by Madonna and Giannini, seems to start off as rape and then turn into consensual sex. You don't have to be a feminist to find that tasteless and offensive. There were some other weird developments, such as the scene where Jack finds a boat and leaves it lying about for Jennifer and Manuel to steal, hoping that they will drown having failed to notice a hole in the bottom.
In terms of acting, however, "Survival Island" would appear to have the advantage, if only in the sense that the terminally mediocre is better than the screamingly awful. Its equivalent of the Material Girl is the Cindy Crawford lookalike Kelly Brook, one of Britain's leading all-round celebrities of the noughties, part-time actress, part-time television personality and part-time lads-mag model. I had always imagined that Kelly had drifted into acting when some producer caught sight of her voluptuous curves in the pages of a lads-mag, but in fact she was originally destined for an acting career, studying at the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts in London before drifting into modelling after winning a beauty contest. Here she does not really look like an alumna of so prestigious a stage school, but at least she learned enough there to avoid giving an exhibition of Bad Acting like the one given by Madonna in "Swept Away".
Similarly, Juan Pablo Di Pace as Manuel is rather forgettable, but at least a forgettable performance is better than Giannini's, which was memorable for all the wrong reasons. The best acting comes from Billy Zane, who does at least look as though he knows what he is doing. Zane and Brook fell in love while making the movie and later got engaged, but this does not seem to have affected his acting. (It may have affected hers; I never sensed that Jennifer hated Jack as much as he hated her).
So I think we can conclude that "Survival island" is not the worst ever "castaways on a desert island" film. I would, however, find it difficult to acquit it of the charge of being the second-worst. 3/10- appropriately enough in view of its alternative title.
- JamesHitchcock
- May 25, 2021
- Permalink
The best things in life are 'Three' (if you'll forgive the pun), or so the text on the back of the DVD box would have us believe. 'Three' is described as a steamy erotic thriller guaranteed to create an atmosphere so tense you can barely swallow for fear whilst at the same time it is full of hot performances with lavish sexual tension on the screen.
This is what we are led to believe by the studio.
Alas, like so many promises in life I fear these comments are a well intentioned attempt to try and hide the truth of the matter.
And the truth of the matter is really very simple.
The truth is printed on the front cover of the DVD where the crafty devils at the studio placed a rather attractive picture of the lead lady on the front cover of the DVD along with the words "Kelly finally exposes all." This, I believe, is a far better description of the true merits of the movie.
If like me, you rented this film because you heard on the grapevine that Kelly Brook was actually filmed in the buff then I feel you represent the vast majority of aficionados of this rather delightful film, and let's be honest the storyline is ropey as hell, and the acting poor, and the characters are dislikeable. But does this matter? Not a jot.
The film moves along at a fair pace, the location is fabulous and Kelly Brook is stunning. And to be honest it is a very big plus of this film that not once did I feel the need to fast forward to the more juicy scenes where Ms Brook really comes into her own as the lead lady.
To try and wrap this film up as a thriller was unnecessary and really detracted from the film itself . We all know the real reason why anybody would rent this film, and to this end the movie does its job perfectly.
All in all this film was not great, but hey, we all know what we wanted and we got it. Can you really ask for anything more?
This is what we are led to believe by the studio.
Alas, like so many promises in life I fear these comments are a well intentioned attempt to try and hide the truth of the matter.
And the truth of the matter is really very simple.
The truth is printed on the front cover of the DVD where the crafty devils at the studio placed a rather attractive picture of the lead lady on the front cover of the DVD along with the words "Kelly finally exposes all." This, I believe, is a far better description of the true merits of the movie.
If like me, you rented this film because you heard on the grapevine that Kelly Brook was actually filmed in the buff then I feel you represent the vast majority of aficionados of this rather delightful film, and let's be honest the storyline is ropey as hell, and the acting poor, and the characters are dislikeable. But does this matter? Not a jot.
The film moves along at a fair pace, the location is fabulous and Kelly Brook is stunning. And to be honest it is a very big plus of this film that not once did I feel the need to fast forward to the more juicy scenes where Ms Brook really comes into her own as the lead lady.
To try and wrap this film up as a thriller was unnecessary and really detracted from the film itself . We all know the real reason why anybody would rent this film, and to this end the movie does its job perfectly.
All in all this film was not great, but hey, we all know what we wanted and we got it. Can you really ask for anything more?
- Josie_Wells
- Oct 2, 2006
- Permalink
I can't believe that I am going to say this , but...........I really enjoyed this movie , from start to finish !
It is completely off the wall, bordering on porn, in parts ,( well, Kelly Brook is in it ) and just plain mad ! But I still loved it.
I actually found myself siding with Billy Zane's character , talk about being betrayed !!!!! And the way he transformed into action man / survivalist was hilarious.
Also Kelly Brook can actually act , who knew? I think she played the part really well , I mean talk about " me me me " !
All in all it was great entertainment, considering that there were only three actors for the most part of this, which , could potentially be pretty boring, but not this one !
A few twists and turns kept me hooked , and I did like the ending !
I do see Billy Zane and Kelly Brook in a different light having watched this , they are far better actors than I had assumed .
Give It a go , it's kind of wierd fun !
It is completely off the wall, bordering on porn, in parts ,( well, Kelly Brook is in it ) and just plain mad ! But I still loved it.
I actually found myself siding with Billy Zane's character , talk about being betrayed !!!!! And the way he transformed into action man / survivalist was hilarious.
Also Kelly Brook can actually act , who knew? I think she played the part really well , I mean talk about " me me me " !
All in all it was great entertainment, considering that there were only three actors for the most part of this, which , could potentially be pretty boring, but not this one !
A few twists and turns kept me hooked , and I did like the ending !
I do see Billy Zane and Kelly Brook in a different light having watched this , they are far better actors than I had assumed .
Give It a go , it's kind of wierd fun !
- carolynocean
- May 6, 2021
- Permalink
Three (known as Survival Island in the good old' U.S. of A., which is a horrible title), is best known as that movie where Kelly Brook gets her knockers out. That aspect of the movie absolutely does not disappoint. But as grateful as I am that it provided that vital service, I wish it had at least one other reason for me to recommend it.
It's basically about three immoral, horrible people who get stranded on an island together after their boat is destroyed, and then proceed to do pretty horrible things to each other. It's not great, but I've seen much worse. Three has a TV movie quality to it, and if you watch it with the appropriate level of expectations, it's not bad. Would I have watched it if Kelly Brook wasn't in it? Maybe. That's more than I can say for most movies that exist solely as an excuse to ogle a really hot woman.
It's basically about three immoral, horrible people who get stranded on an island together after their boat is destroyed, and then proceed to do pretty horrible things to each other. It's not great, but I've seen much worse. Three has a TV movie quality to it, and if you watch it with the appropriate level of expectations, it's not bad. Would I have watched it if Kelly Brook wasn't in it? Maybe. That's more than I can say for most movies that exist solely as an excuse to ogle a really hot woman.
- lewiskendell
- May 3, 2010
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- breakingaway28
- Dec 3, 2021
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