This CBC mini series centers around the character of Shannon Jennings, a university graduate who accepts a job as an assistant to a female Cabinet Minister Audrey Flankman. Shannon spends 6 episodes running out like a chicken without a head, poking around government offices and a nearby restaurant and bar, observing and listening in on conversations in crowded elevators trying to find out what's in store for her boss. Who's trying to replace her? Lots of suspicious characters including the ones in the Minister's own employ. Series makes very little use of guest stars and if it returns for a new season as a regular series, this should change. With the popularity of the long running series such as THIS HOUR HAS 22 MINUTES, ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FARCE, and the new MONDAY REPORT WITH RICK MERCER, there are lots of familiar faces who could fit into this show. Wonderful to see the return of Catherine Disher (Audrey Flankman) to prime time tv. Does anyone recognize Marcel Jeannin as the crazy character Dijon from the comedy series Blackfly? Hope to see Snakes & Ladders return as a regular weekly series. But please, change the opening theme song. Hip hop rap (or whatever you call it) doesn't fit with politics.