Danny Huston credited as playing...
Danny O'Brien
- Danny O'Brien: I always pictured you in some smoky hole in the wall, hunched over your computer, spewing your bile at the military-industrial complex.
- Mitch Paine: Well, it is a hole in the wall - but I'm surrounded by a bunch of anti-tobacco Fascists.
- Danny O'Brien: I think they call them "pro-oxygen" these days.
- Danny O'Brien: [about his wife] Maybe she wanted somebody more predictable.
- Nora Allardyce: You're totally predictable, Danny. You get involved in something positive, and you find a way to fuck it up.
- Danny O'Brien: [Referring to Dickie Pilager on TV] He seems a bit more gubenatorial with the sound off.
- Danny O'Brien: I really don't do politics anymore. Debbie always said it was bad for my mental health.