Dateline 1977. Lindsay Jean Wagner, sex: female. Age: 28. Past profession: model; hostess on 'Playboy after dark'. Present profession: Emmy award wining winning star of 'The Bionic Woman'; immortalized in plastic as Jaime Sommers doll. Another dream came true for her when she was allowed to shared some of her feelings, fantasies and friends in her own ABC prime-time special "Another side of me".
At the time she was married to actor Michael Brandon, who appears here hairier than Grizzly Adams (you can hardly see his face beneath the long hair and beard). Together they walk through the snow planning a home and a family while Lindsay performs "Wat would they say?". Her voice sounds like a cross between Anne Murray and Karen Carpenter. All that hair on Brandon's face must have come in handy frolicking and rolling around in the snow like that. They also recreate their wedding day (the second of four for Lindsay, the first of two blond actresses for Michael). And later on in the show they perform a medieval sketch as Guinevere and Lancelot, receptively.
Miss Wagner (or if you will Mrs Brandon) also performs "You bring out the best in me" with Paul Anka. Further more Lindsay into a pool for some synchronized swimming with the Meraquas Synchronized Swim Team (who appeared with the approval of the Amateur Athletics Union). She is seen leading a high school marching band and sings some of her favorite songs including 'If I could make you cry'. Dressed as a cowgirl, Linsday performs a slapstick ode to Visual comedy with Avery Schreiber and three Bionic guest stars: Vito Scotti, Teddy Wilson and Vincent Price (as the villain). No cameos by the Six Million Dollar man, Big Foot or Oscar Goldman (who is worth much more than Steve Austin anyway) this time around.
Though there are a lot of silly jokes and a collection of outtakes over the end credits, this 1977 television special is on the whole less cheesy and cringe-worthy than such early seventies David Winters productions as 'Raquel!' or 'The Special London Bridge Special'. Wagner gets to strut her stuff and show us what's she's made off and has a beautiful singing voice. From here she would go on to reign as queen of the Television movies in the US while Michael Brandon got a shave and found love with his 'Dempsey and Makepiece' co-star Glyness Barber in the UK.
8 out of 10