It's now officially safe to say that this show is an omen to all the insanely idiotic supercrap that we'll be force-fed in the near future. When I saw the previews for "Mr. Personality", I thought this was as low as Fox could possibly sink. Naturally, I couldn't have been more sadly mistaken. How wasted does one have to be to say "Here's an idea: have two spoiled rotten bubble-headed bimbos live with a bunch of backward hicks and make a TV show about it! Are we geniuses or what?"? As if society isn't having enough trouble recovering from "Deliverance", now there's this piece of manure to traumatize us even further. In short, I'd rather watch Jessica Simpson read "The Catcher In The Rye", while having a root canal with no anesthetics whatsoever, than rot my brain with this crud. Also, if this gets picked up for a second season or gets nominated for a single Emmy, I'm never watching TV again.