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Max & Ruby (TV Series 2002–2021) Poster


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pretty good
ichabod07924 January 2008
Both my kids like this show, but I have noticed that Ruby is kind of a brat kicking max out of the sand box so they can have a beach party and taking the markers he was playing with first. But other than that observation my kids love the show. It's a cute show and I also wondered why the parents are never there as well. When I first saw it, the way Ruby was bossing Max around, I thought that Ruby was the mom. My mom was watching it with us and said she thinks it was the sister and I was like well where are the parents? Bossy older sister and no parents, but at least it keeps my kids entertained. We always turn this show on when it's on because I want to see what one word max will say the whole show lol. It's a super cute show.
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Pretty good, with some qualms
kaelcarp26 February 2007
My older son (he is 4, his brother is 1) doesn't just watch this show; he has my wife or me come and watch it with him. He thinks Max's antics are hilarious.

I think the point of the show has been missed by some people. It is directed at children who are in the Ruby role, I believe. Ruby is not a good caretaker. She is bossy and doesn't pay enough attention to her brother. Just about every episode I have seen has as its central lesson that if Ruby had paid more attention to Max and his needs, she would have solved her own problems or made her own life a little better.

The lack of parents is not an issue to me, as the show centers on the dynamic between the two kids, which I think anyone with more than one kid can understand.

One of the qualms I have with the show is that it reinforces gender roles a bit too sharply. As far as I can see, all the boys on the show are very physical and speak only in single words and get dirty. All the girls wear dresses and play dress-up and speak eloquently. It can also be pretty boring for an adult, but that is not its intended audience anyway.
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Its alright
tmcammond14 August 2018
My daughter loves this show too. I'm not a big fan as I find Ruby to be a spoiled bossy brat. Love lil mischievous Max though
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mickeydevil200614 June 2003
The adventures are so original, the mood so relaxed and funny! In most cartoons, the funny expressions are limited to voices, but Max's face when he is about to do something wrong is so adorable! My cousin loves this show, she is capivated by it! It is one of the few children shows that is enjoyable and funny to adults. Give it a try!
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I dislike Max & Ruby
enigma8253 March 2008
I don't let my children watch it anymore because there is no parent figure.

She may want kids to figure things out on their own, but I find this irresponsible. Parents are there to teach and help children, not to abandon them. There is not a single sign of a parental figure, and Grandma is the closest thing, and you can't figure out how far away she lives. Next door, a quick walk, or a bus ride away. A BUS RIDE!! 2 kids getting onto a bus by themselves to go to Grandma's?! This is teaching responsibility!! I hope no kid gets the same idea in real life and hops on a bus hoping to see grandma! Can you say Amber Alert? I also think Ruby shouldn't have to play "mommy & daddy". You can see how is wears on her when she get frustrated at her little brother. She can't be a kid herself because she is always taking care of her little brother. It's too much responsibility for a young person to handle.

I'd probably like it better if it implied a caregiver/parent to show that Ruby had someone to go to when things got tough and not made to feel like she has to do everything from bathing her brother, dressing him, putting him in bed, feeding him, playing with him, and watching him. When does Ruby get a break? She's not his mom, she's his sister!

I have 7 kids and I would not expect them to behave like an adult. They are kids first and foremost!
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Not a fan...
c_eisenhardt8 June 2008
I can appreciate what some of the parents have said about this show: It does have a nice "old time feel" (artistically speaking.) The characters look like they stepped right out of a children's book. What I don't like about the show is what others have already said (which is 'where are the parents of Max & Ruby'?) I do not like that Ruby walks around in a Big-Sister la-la land imposing her monotone agenda on her younger brother Max. Max is a little bastard who just wants to thwart her sisters plans or just has no regard for his sister's wishes. Once again, Max needs Mom & Dad to step in & give him a TimeOut and/or tell Ruby to sit down & be quiet for a little while! LOL I don't like that there is no consequence for bad behavior on this show. My (then 5 year-old) male twins saw an episode where Max was sneaking around taking things from Ruby. They thought it was sooooo funny that they started swiping little things from their Mom & me. When I told them that being sneaky was not nice, they both looked at me confused. "But Max was being sneaky," they said. Reading between their lines they were saying, 'Max was being sneaky but no one told him it wasn't right to act that way.'

I don't let them watch Max & Ruby anymore.
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A Kid Raising A Kid
dankie19551 November 2012
My daycare kids and I love Max and Ruby. However, it does bother me that there is no parental involvement other than an occasional visit to or from the grandma. Ruby is a great influence for Max and he is lucky to have a big sister like her. But it appears the responsibility of raising him rest solely on her shoulders. I understand what you are trying to convey but in the real world there need to be a parent involved in their lives.She is firm with him when he is wrong and she also teaches him right from wrong which is the role of a parent. And Max is a smart boy. But other than a friend or grandma, who is there for Ruby? Let's hear a voice or calling from a parent. That would be more believable.
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No good education out of these
xavi-82-24017616 August 2014
My two year old kid started to watch this show after I thought it looked nice and it seemed appropriate for her age. But after few days watching episodes with her I realized that something was wrong with this series. It felt a bit misogynist to me, a 7 year old girl taking care of her 3 year old brother by herself, with no parents around and seemed to take the role of the "perfect housewife". She is always doing what a parent should be doing, and whatever the little brother does after she tells him not to do, she never tells him that he's doing something wrong. It's just like whatever you do as a kid boy your sister can never confront you, so why bother to comply. The kids even take the bus alone, and she even sends the brother to the shop by himself, a 3 year old. I am happy me and my wife supervise what she sees and we won't let her watch this again, no good education out of this.
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Soft & Simple
Squrpleboy23 September 2006
The beauty and point of a wonderful cartoon like Max & Ruby is that it's very simple, because it's actually made for kids!

My 2 year old son got me hooked on this show and I've really come to admire it for so many reasons. The stories on Max & Ruby are short and uncomplicated and essentially revolve around two chubby, little, talking white bunnies; older sister Ruby and younger brother Max. They live and play together and usually find themselves at odds over some everyday happening of one sort or another. It never gets ugly though. Sometimes Ruby wants things her way and Max is made to go along with that, and sometimes Max wants his interests to take precedence and Ruby gives in. There is never any yelling or fighting and never any cruel intent depicted. Max & Ruby figure things out together and make it work. A refreshing idea and great for kids to see. Both characters are sweet and comical in their own ways and equally hold the viewers attention with their pursuits.

The animation is unique and colourful. The characters have a very "book-lifted" look to them and their movements are kept minimal and uncluttered. Background elements often appear to be pictures of real objects (trees, rugs, etc.) which have been distorted or blurred slightly to render them somewhat 2-dimensional. I'm guessing it's a mix of hand-drawing and computer graphics employed here which works nicely. Neither overpowers the other but rather compliments excellently.

There is a definite silent film homage played through the composition of shots, especially the iris-in/ iris-out technique and the use of old-timey jazz music, which also helps to keep everything simple and straightforward. The "sets" and decor harken back to the late '40's and early '50's and add to that feeling of goodness and wholesome living that the show exudes.

I've never gotten the sense that the show was created to sell toys (although some of Max's are pretty cool, I must admit) or panders in any way to a level above the interest of children (there are no adult-intended references or in-jokes). This is a genuinely sweet, well-intentioned, fun and entertaining cartoon your kids will enjoy, and as luck might have it, you may too.

Like my son says, "Max funny!", and that's good enough for me.
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Just Awful..
matthewallenstorey16 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst children's shows I have ever seen. The animation is decent and the music is fun but the so called "lessons" on the show are so misguided that they aren't lessons at all really. Everyone says Max is so bad, he's 3 and I don't even find him that bad, Ruby is the problem. Most episodes Max wants to play with her and he usually gets scolded for it or ignored...of course he's going to act out. Most episodes involve Ruby forcing Max to participate in games he doesn't want to play and I've never seen an episode where she plays something he wants to play.

Now onto the lessons...there aren't any. In one episode *spoiler alert* Max is playing with a kid who keeps taking his toys and instead of correcting the kid's behaviour Ruby just tells Max to play with his other toys which incidentally the other kid again takes. What kind if message is that? It's okay for people to walk all over you? Yeah, no. I can look over the fact that they are parent-less but this show has got it all wrong.
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i love this show
mel-chambers1 December 2005
okay, they haven't got parents because they are supposed to show children how to solve problems on their own they are sooooo cute and the music is nice and upbeat how can you not like it??? baby huffington is really adorable my favorite episode is the one with Valerie and they are making a parade float and Max puts his space robots on the princess castle. I like the sarcasm with Ruby's response to Valeries suggestion to making a scarry float. It' funny. My little girl has all the episodes on Tivo and watches them over and over. I wish there were as many Max and Ruby toys are there are Dora toys. BTW, Dora is great, but she is in a jungle all alone??I hope my little ones doen't get that adventurous and take a walk out in the forest .
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Quite poor
Simon_J_Rodgers10 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a few episodes of this cartoon and I must say I like its retro appearance. It looks like a cartoon from the seventies and eighties, I'm not sure if that is intentional. In the UK, the voices are dubbed by British voice actors which also seem to give it a more retrospective feel.

The trouble is, that's where the niceties of this show end. The plots are quite simplistic and dross. Ruby wants to do something and so does Max and there is a little conflict, Ruby being the oldest tells Max "no" and to go and play elsewhere. Sometimes she tries to make him play in her games doing what she wants and he doesn't want to, he ends up being naughty, usually by mistake but it all works out okay in the end.

I don't like the way Max talks. I know he's only three but I'm sure the programme could adapt a little and allow him to have better conversational skills. What's that teaching children? That's basically the gist of it really. I have tried to watch the show and like it but although it looks nice on the outside, deep down it's hollow repetitive junk.
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ThunderKing610 January 2019
This show was made for dumb people and to dumb them down.

Max behaves reckless, dumb and always lacks supervision where he is always annoying someone or putting himself into danger.

i still consider it a classic show despite it being really annoying.
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really funny
jaemiewaters9 February 2012
it is a really funny show you will laugh hard on this amazing TV show it is a hoot it is a show you don't want to miss it is a awesome show for the kids i think this is the perfect show for the kids it i like this show a lot you will like this show a lot it is a amazing TV show it is one of the best shows ever made you just have to see this show it is the best this is one amazing show i never saw a show like this before it is one of the best Max and Ruby is the best show on TV for little kids this is a hoot i say this is ones of the best shows ever made rock on this is the bomb this is like a great show it should be in IMAX 3D but it is not i love this amazing show this is great this show should win a award that is how good this show really is it is a hoot it is the bomb it is a show that is worth 5 dollars foot long this is a great show you just have to watch this wonderful show you will like this show a lot it is one of the best shows ever made for kids i think have a great day everyone
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my daughter LOVES this show and i can't stand it.
sida44422 July 2008
this has got to be one of the worst shows out there.sure, it's sort of sweet,but ruby is so bossy and mean to max. she's constantly ruining his good time by telling him what to do. max only stands up for himself by doing seemingly naughty things. it's very frustrating that max only gets his point across using 1 word repeatedly throughout the show. max is supposed to be 3, however he has the vocabulary of a 1 1/2 year old.

i also feel like the show is sexist in that the girls are too "girly" and the boys don't speak! for example it seems like all the girl characters only want to do super feminine activities. in general it's just annoying to sit through 20 minutes of this show. my 2 year old loves it, so i let her watch, but i generally don't let her watch shows with this little educational value.
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A Wonderful Show for the Whole Family
uhlarh22 June 2007
Honestly, if you think a parent who allows their child to watch Max and Ruby is a bad parent, you really have problems. I seriously doubt that Moms and Dads see two bunnies on TV and walk away. This show is wonderful! My 3 year old daughter loves it! It is the only show that she gets really excited about and we all just love Ruby's melodic voice. Not only that, it shows that an older sibling has taken on some responsibility for a younger sibling and I think that is great.

Point fingers at people who let their kids zone out in front of video games as a means of keeping them occupied, not those who let their kids watch two sweet little bunnies learn through trial and error.

Our whole family gives Max and Ruby 10/10
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I believe this show is giving my 2 year old nephew the wrong idea.
nathanhmcdonald20 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So my 2 and a half year old nephew LOVE's Max and Ruby. Normally I pay no attention to show however the other day I sat down and watched a few episodes with him and realized how this show misleads kids.

For the past year or so my nephew has had a growing problem with authority. When he doesn't get his way he screams at the top of his lungs and/or cries uncontrollably. Here lately he has even resorted to hitting and biting authority figures when they tell him no. After watching a few episodes of Max and Ruby, I think I have an idea of whats culminating this type of behavior.

Max and Ruby generally follows the title characters, Max a 3ish year old bunny and his older sister Ruby who might be 8 or so. In generally every episode I've noticed that it revolves around Max wanting something and Ruby telling him no. Eventually though Max winds up getting his way and getting whatever it is he originally wanted and everyone live's happily ever after. Basically Max is rewarded for misbehaving.

Perhaps its just me...I'm not a parent myself so I'm not really sure what to think here. But in short...I think this show is giving children the wrong idea. I believe that this show is teaching kids...(Or at least my nephew)... That its OK to persist in getting your way even if an authority figure tells you its not. My nephew has on occasion attempted something dangerous which required myself or another adult to save him because he persisted to get his way despite being told NO.

All and all with that said, I can't say much else except I think this show is bad overall...Even from an entertainment standpoint. I can still comfortably sit down and watch cartoons from the late 1980's to early 1990s' (When I was a kid) and get totally enticed in them. However, like most cartoons on T.V today, I find Max and Ruby to be a total bore, and even if I were a kid I'm almost certain that I would have no interest in this show.

My advice? Keep your kids away from this boring bad influence cartoon, and let them watch something real like Tom and Jerry or the Looney Toons.
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max & ruby are great!
weiss568 July 2005
i used to think the same thing about max & ruby always being alone, where are their parents? i decided to find out for myself and read rosemary wells biography. basically, she states you never see max and ruby's parents because she wants children to try and solve their problems on their own. i think it is a great idea because children are given examples on how to solve life's daily problems. max can be annoying and ruby is usually bossy, but i really like them and my 3 year old loves max and ruby. when you compare max & ruby to some of the other cartoons on t.v., i think they are great and i am not worried about any of the contents in their shows.
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Horrible lessons
angelfly33317 March 2012
I hate that my son loves this show. He just loves it and I do not want to let him watch it. It doesn't so much bother me that they have no parents, because there are a lot of adults around, Grandma, teachers etc. However I get so angry that EVERY story line consists of Ruby trying to accomplish a task and Max completely disobeying her and being a bad boy.. He consistently interrupts and asks for something over and over, or blatantly ignores what Ruby has told him and in the end of the show it all works out better... Thus teaching our children, go ahead and do whatever you want the total disregard of rules and respect for others because it will always work out in the end. How the creator of this show can think that this is beneficial for young children I just cannot understand. That being said I would love for her to create something a little more appropriate so that I could let my son watch.
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I used to like this when I was younger but
trafalgardeathsurgeonoflaw18 February 2020
There is no educational value. I hate how Nick Jr. is saying before each show what the educational value is, and one for this show is "handling life with a younger brother" or something like that.

First off handling life with a younger sibling doesn't mean for you, as the older sibling, to torture the kid by doing what you want to do and make them not do what they want to do. If you have siblings you learn to compromise, not force people to do what you want to do and so on, like most of this show is teaching younger viewers.

Oh and let us not forget if your younger sibling needs help doing something, you must ignore them and do what you want to do because it's so much more important than anything else because this show Ruby doing the EXACT same thing.

It's terrible.
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umm max and ruby is the cutest show I EVER WATCHED!!!!
lt_washu7 April 2007
Max and Ruby is a preschool show, and as such, it is for Preschoolers. I watch it a lot with my son, he has them all on DVD. We also read the books. Kids don't always get their way. Yes Ruby says no to Max. She's also 7 years old. Most Seven year olds say no to younger siblings. Max also happens to be very destructive, most boys are. But the show is not detrimental, in fact my son laughs out loud at quite a lot of things in it. And it is definitely educational. My son learned to spell eggs. It helped me teach him his colors. So I would recommend this show to anyone with a preschooler. Sit down watch it with your kids. Its adorable.
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It's wholesome & cute
cetims9 May 2008
I've always wondered about the parental situation of Max & Ruby, but compared to Rugrats, I would much rather not see the parents than see infants pulling screwdrivers and whatnot out of their diapers. But in the end, it's a cartoon, it doesn't really need to make any sense whatsoever as long as children enjoy it. I mean, really, how many of our toddlers are actually going to try and catch a bus? My daughter won't even leave the room without me. So as long the cartoon isn't teaching the kids bad things, why worry? It's sweet with good intentions, And it's nice seeing older siblings helping to take care of the younger siblings. I grew up with hard-working parents, so my older sister was my mom and dad when our parents were away. It's just another point of view of how some kids grow up. I think this is a wonderful little show, but most of all my 16month old daughter loves it and that's all that matters. Plus, when our kids are older and are watching much dumber things (ie Drake & Josh, Hannah Montana, Spongebob Squarepants, etc) we will look back and miss the days our children were watching Max & Ruby.
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Teaches negative values
racheebaby19 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like that Ruby is very patient. However the show stops there at what I like. Max is not taught or corrected when he does something wrong like making a mess, always being very selfish, not listening or something else that is just simply not right. There seems to be no rules in the Max and Ruby house and if there are they are Never enforced, Ever. I think it teaches kids not to listen and that they can get away with something they want to do if they can get away with it, hide it or put on big "puppy dog" eyes and to only do what you feel like and not care for others feeling as per example of Max. In one episode Ruby asks her brother to stop making so much noise while she is trying to talk to her friend on the phone but he doesn't and makes more noise so she redirects him to do something else but nothing works so she decides to go upstairs so she can hear the conversation with her friend while he plays with his loud toys. She then kindly and clearly asks him to hang up the phone when she gets to the other phone upstairs and simply and clearly tells him what he should do so she can get to the phone but he hangs it up before Ruby is able but not before he says hello,goodbye. I thought that was so mean/rude and Not how a sibling should act or at least she should tell him how that made her feel and why he shouldn't do that next time and even call back her friend and have him apologize for hanging up. That seems like a very poor example, but the episode ended with him hanging up the phone and Ruby acting sad about what happened. Every episode is full of bad examples and my post would be a mile long. Obviously, we won't be watching this show. Also, where are the adults, seems sad and silly that Ruby has to always watch out for her little brother without any adult supervision ever while Max gets to get away with whatever he wants to do while Ruby has to put up with her little brother and doesn't really get to enjoy being a kid herself.

I hope Max doesn't grow up do go to jail or hurt someone since he's not told how to act.

Guess it's a show of how not to act.
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Perfect For Preschoolers
anne-carlson16 February 2006
Max and Ruby seems to be meant to just tell a story. To expose what happens on a normal day with normal activities. The two characters, siblings, live like humans but we have to remember they are bunnies. It is fun for kids to project human qualities onto animals or toys to work out their questions and experiences in life. It is just play. Max, the little brother with a limited vocabulary, solves his challenges of life with a big sister, Ruby, with creativity. Ruby, who loves her little brother, finally understands what Max was trying to communicate all along, at the end of each episode. The program is not for adults and so the things adults question or are concerned about are not addressed. I don't think kids who are watching are thinking much about "where are the parents?" or "why is Ruby, who is too young for the responsibility, in charge of Max?" I think the program is meant to look into that sibling relationship only, issues between a big sister and a little brother and how they find a way to communicate and solve their problems. I like the program. The animation is very sweet and subtle. The music is charming. I recommend the program highly.
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Really cute, fun, and entertaining show
Wow! This is a really cute, fun, and entertaining show. I said that because I watch this on the Noggin network with my 16-month-old nephew from time to time. It's hard to say which show on the Noggin network is the best. Still it's really cute, fun, and entertaining. The things I like most about this series are the animation and the art design. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say that the people at the Noggin network really know how to reach a toddler's developing mind. Now, in conclusion, if you have children, nieces, or nephews, I strongly recommend this really cute, fun, and entertaining show. I guarantee you that they will enjoy it.
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