Remembering back to the 80's, I get chills of nostalgia. Toys, Video games and all playthings just got reinvented and/or turned on it's ear. Back when the Rubik's Cube was at it's peak, Worlds of Wonder released LAZER TAG. This craze became the rage, but when it came to the Entertainment Marketing, we got a horrible Saturday Morning Cartoon. Entertech, a division of LJN toys, countered with PHOTON. Like it's counterpart, you got a PHASER, a Sensor, but also a Helmet with lights and sensors as well. They didn't stop there. Action figures with the same InfraRed Tag tech followed. Actual Characters that we can get into. Then to top it all off, the LIVE ACTION TV Show. I remember all of the SCI FI Space stuff, kind of a STAR WARS meets POWER RANGERS feel. The Plot. EVERY world has a light orb that lasts 100 years. If the orb is charged by the good guys, everything is beautiful for that time. If the orb is charged with Darkness from the bad guys, the planet becomes a wasteland. So the battle ensues. The good guys fly around in the ZEPHYR with MOM, their computer leader. They use the PHOTON centers as a training facility. Chris Jarvis/BHODI LI becomes the best player and is recruited to join the team of good. He is taken in by: Tivia, warrior princess of Nivia; Parcival, adolescent computer geek from Earth (we think); Lord Beathen, Robotic Ninja Warrior; Leon, the giant Lizard Hero; and Pike, who looks like a Mr. Potato Head. It was a Grandfather to the Power Rangers but without the Bulk and Skull like cheese. More serious like the newer Rangers series. All in all, lots of fun for what it was. Not everything has to win an award to be fun.
And YES, AGAIN IMDb is displaying the wrong COVER to this series. What is pictured is an ANIME that is completely UNRELATED.