I found this a very interesting movie - almost an unknown. To date, even IMDb does not carry the American title nor the full casting lineup with matching roles. TCM recently aired it for the first time as a "lost and found" feature (under the American title - "Instant Love"). Robert Osborne mentioned that the project ran out of production money during the general filming. Apparently, needed completions were done later, causing a delay in release.
While watching, I couldn't help being reminded of the 1959 "Count Your Blessings," also starring Rossano Brazzi, having beautiful locations, excellent wardrobe and the quickie marriage element. However, "Instant Love" compares very favorably. Despite its faults, it survives if not thrives. Even with the gifted Deborah Kerr in CYB, that movie stumbled and, in the opinion of most, fell. It was so halting and artificial that it became increasingly difficult to just endure. That is not true of this film. Even Rossano Brazzi is more effective in this one. And, as Mr. Osborne pointed out, when Rhonda Fleming was given a role of true dimension, she did very well. It comes as a great surprise to find she possessed a range, since we have been given little opportunity to experience it ("Home Before Dark" another fuller range example). She seemed to be mostly cast for her beauty alone, essentially replaying the same type, which is unfortunate and a loss to moviegoers.
There is a quality about this film that attracts and holds interest. The cinematography is very pleasing, with locations unique to my film experience anyway. As for casting, the leads do surprisingly well together. The friend and her husband are attractive. The American "boyfriend" was a disappointment, being unbelievable as any kind of attraction for Ms. Flemings' character. Being a regular throughout the film, that was for me a detractor. Regardless, I personally don't think this qualifies as a bad movie. It is good viewing in general, has a competent and fuller Rhonda Fleming performance, along with the unique and successful pairing with Brazzi. I am glad it has surfaced, and believe it will garner support with subsequent airing.