While being driven to a correction facility in a police van full of female prisoners, a gang leader from Osaka named "Maya" (Reiko Ike) is introduced to a notorious gangster by the name of "Kanto Komasa" (Miki Sugimoto). However, their meeting is cut short when another vehicle pulls up alongside the van and forces it to come to a complete stop. During the confusion all of the prisoners escape and go their own way with Kanto eventually accepting the leadership position for 3 of the young women from the van. It's at this time that they decide to go to Osaka and establish their presence there but soon encounter a rival gang led by a woman Kanto had problems with earlier. To make matters even worse, when Maya returns to Osaka she finds her boyfriend "Tetsuko" (Shinobu) in the arms of Kanto and a bounty on her head from the same Yakuza gang Tetsuko has joined. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this movie is very similar to several other films in the "Girl Boss" series but slightly more raw and brutal in some respects. Likewise, some of the action scenes seemed rather cheap and amateurish as well. Fortunately, having the attractive Miki Sugimoto in the lead role helped balance things out to a certain degree. That being said, I have rated this film accordingly. Average.