Mysteriously, the actor playing Samson's comical sidekick Terrabentus is not credited in either the main title or reference sources. Vladimir Leib played the part of Terrabentus, as well as sizeable credited roles in two other Parolini epics Anno 79: La distruzione di Ercolano (1962) and The Old Testament (1963). Italian reference works and the Monthly Film Bulletin match the pseudonym "Walter Reeves" against the character Millstone (Macigno in Italian). However, easy-to-recognize "Alan Steel" (aka Sergio Ciani) was the one playing Millstone. It sounds more phonetic that "Walter Reeves" was a pseudonym lined up for Vladimir Leib who maybe decided he didn't like it.
Filmed simultaneously with The Fury of Hercules (1962), also directed by Gianfranco Parolini, using many of the same sets and locations and featuring much of the same starring cast: Brad Harris, Sergio Ciani (aka Alan Steel), Mara Berni, Serge Gainsbourg, and Carlo Tamberlani.
Italian censorship visa #36395 delivered on 12/23/61.