Based on the comic strip "Wee Pals" by Morrie Turner, this half-hour animated ABC series followed the Peanuts-like adventures of the "Rainbow Club," a group of multi-racial kids. Each show f... Read allBased on the comic strip "Wee Pals" by Morrie Turner, this half-hour animated ABC series followed the Peanuts-like adventures of the "Rainbow Club," a group of multi-racial kids. Each show featured a song by The Curbstones, several of which were released as an album on Pride (MGM... Read allBased on the comic strip "Wee Pals" by Morrie Turner, this half-hour animated ABC series followed the Peanuts-like adventures of the "Rainbow Club," a group of multi-racial kids. Each show featured a song by The Curbstones, several of which were released as an album on Pride (MGM) Records.