This show was great back when it was on TV on City TV late nights every Friday. It had a rude and funny cigar smoking sock puppet who would just rant about whatever it was that was on his mind that day. Usually that was something most every day people would agree with like how people walking slow in front of you suck, that kind of stuff. He had a couple co-hosts over the different seasons but they were good. The last one was a guy named Craig who was very funny and did a good job making his own jokes with Ed the Sock but also listening to Ed's rants and making them better with additional jokes.
It was just a late night show on a cheap dark set with no audience and a big fake laugh track and girls dancing or in the hot tub or sometimes both and sometimes they would get topless and most of them were good looking.
Where the show fell apart was when they got their first female co-host who apparently is also the real life wife of Ed the Sock or the guy who is the voice behind Ed the Sock or whatever. She was terrible! She had very big boobs but that was about it. All her jokes were awful and she talked way too much. It's like everything had to be about her. The show didn't last long after she came on and I'm sure that's a big reason why. The show just wasn't the same after that and it died. It's sad because it was so good at first.