80 reviews
Watched Judge Mathis for years. He used to be funny when called for and serious as well. His misspent youth was used as a platform to help defendants turn their life around. Now it's the Greg Mathis Comedy hour. I find him to present a meanness that wasn't there before. He has already determined the fate of the accused before all the evidence has been presented. He accuses anyone with a smart comeback, even if it's meant as a joke, of trying to put one over on him. Too bad.☹️
On yesterday's episode, he told a lady to "get the hell out" of his courtroom. The plaintiff was attempting to explain why she relinquished custody of her 9-month old child to the grandparents. Her reason sounded legitimate to me, but he didn't want to hear it. Even when the plaintiff explained that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, he did not show much compassion for this. At one point, he said no one feels sorry for her because she gave away her child as an infant. The child, which was born a male, was now a transgender female who, according to the mother, had lied to a married couple about his/her parents having been killed in a car crash and needing money to buy clothes for the funeral. The judge never addressed the defendant's alleged crime of obtaining money by false pretenses. His ire towards the plaintiff was extreme.
- mathwiz-93831
- Apr 9, 2020
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I really use to enjoy Judge Mathis, but lately I can't hardly wait to switch the channel. I am so sick of him making everything about him and sick of hearing about how his mom raised him and his brothers. Please quit telling us stories about your life experience, let the plaintiff or defendant have their 15 minutes of fame without you butting in with a story of your own.
- lindamshelmanhigh
- May 28, 2020
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I'm so sick of all the crack jokes. If crack is apart of the case I understand but usually it's not. Watching him is demeaning to people in general. He tries to start stuff between the litigants. Sometime I wonder if he's on crack. He does the motion like he's stirring up the batch. Not professions at all. I'm watching this with my husband. If I continue I may end up on crack.I wish I could give a negative 5 star.
He was okay when he first started his show. Now he is very rude. Has mood swings. You never know what his personality will be for the day and sometimes you can tell right away when he going to jump into his bipolar mood. Sometimes he laugh and play with them then out of no where he goes off on people. He's very Rude. Linda should be ashamed to have him as her husband and his children should be embarrassed to call him dad. He absolutely hate all men based on the way his father left him. Listen up wacko bipolar judge. The men that comes to your show are not your father. And stop being mean to people. You will one day face and he held accountable for the way you talk and treat people. You are no where near higher than the Creator.
- leavingthecity
- Feb 10, 2023
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I lost my son due to an overdose. There are so many suffering from the epidemic..i and thousands of other Moms have had it with the stigma. They are not low life junkies. They suffer as well. I very much dislike the comments you make about this disease. Your an educated man. So why do you mimic and say not so nice things about the subject. Your hurting us so please STOP!!
- ezjm-02316
- Feb 21, 2017
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This is my 2nd time watching this show with my mom and this judge is so rude and unprofessional. I find it very hard to believe that this guy is an actual judge. He has no idea how to talk to people. You can talk to people and get the answers you need without sounding so rude and condescending. He asks questions and rudely interrupts with his own opinions before anyone can even finish. People just watch to see how rude he is instead of trying to actually get the whole story and judge from there. What a dumb show.
- jesusdelgado
- Sep 24, 2015
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I have watched Judge Mathis for 15 yrs. I have used drugs during a large portion of that time. For some reason, in the back of my mind, I thought if I ever met Judge Mathis in person he would be able to tell I was high, and I'd be mortified. Now that I've been clean for 8 yrs I would be okay if I met him. I realize I will never meet him, but somehow the thought of it was like a North Star for me.
Also- who the HELL is that Fat woman who positions herself in his court room EVERY TAPING? It's bugging me.
Also- who the HELL is that Fat woman who positions herself in his court room EVERY TAPING? It's bugging me.
- sandileebee
- Aug 19, 2021
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I used to like this show...... Then Mathis decided he wanted to preach and declare everyone a crack head. He gets so lost in his own hood tales to the point where you don't even hear or understand why the litigants are there! Nobody wants to hear for the 99th time how you ran the streets. Nobody wants to hear for the 99th time how you sold dope and broke your mama's heart. Enough of your tired, played out, dope boy past. Hurry up and write your 10 page autobiography and get it out of your system. There are other folks in the world with stories to tell..... give them an opportunity to share their stories.
I worked in retail for many, many years, so I know what it's like to deal with the, shall we say intellectually stifled on a daily basis. What I delt with was almost EXACTLY like what I see on the Judge Mathis show. I find it very gratifying to see someone on television dealing with difficult people with such humor and aplomb. As to this matter of Judge Mathis' inappropriate comments: The Honorable Judge Mathis only makes rude or impertinent remarks to people who have been inappropriate themselves. Watching the show with an careful and observant eye, will reveal that his truly acerbic jabs are, in fact reversals of the staggeringly ignorant remarks made by the litigants appearing before him. While I would never assert that Judge Mathis is, or should be everyone's idea of enjoyable daytime TV, I would however ask that the good judge's senses of humor and style be respected.
- mrroundheels
- Nov 28, 2006
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Judge Mathis is so busy telling his audience his self-pitying life story for the zillionth time, pushing his pro-BLM, hateful, racist, misogynist views ad nauseum, it's a bore-fest. Like Judge Judy, he ridicules and attacks litigants, talking over them, screaming at them, cutting them off and makes it very clear that he rules, based on his own prejudices & not on the facts of the cases before him. Especially upsetting is his joking about & promoting the use of drugs. For anyone who's lost a loved one to the use of drugs, this is unforgivable. Judge Mathis definitely sends mixed messages. He seems too eager to boast about his "street cred," bragging about his early participation in gang/criminal activity and his current empathy & implied approval of this mentality. I think his is a dangerous show.
- nadya-91080
- Jun 9, 2021
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Judge Mathis is like one of those drunks who sit around all day and tell his whole life story. Only difference, Mathis does it all the time and it becomes boring. He's also unkind and mean and disrespectful. He behaves like a thug from the street.
Avoid this show and watch judge ross
Avoid this show and watch judge ross
- MyEinsamkeit
- May 29, 2017
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Seriously! Why! Just plain lazy to hire actors and write scripted cases than to get real small claims cases heard.
Mathis seems like a likable guy but the show plays out like a bad standup routine.
No thanks.
Mathis seems like a likable guy but the show plays out like a bad standup routine.
No thanks.
I used to be a fan of the show, since it premiered. Lately, I've stopped watching completely, because of Judge Mathis calling guests "ugly". Even in jest, it is extremely cruel and unfair to attack someone's physical appearance. It is also completely non-constructive.
Judge Mathis used to represent the power of personal transformation. If I have issues with integrity, I can work to develop empathy and honesty. If I have problems with criminal behavior, I can start trying to walk the straight and narrow. If I'm struggling with addiction, I can go into recovery. If I'm uneducated, I can enroll in school or a training program. If I'm unemployed, I can be more diligent in my job hunting. What shall I do if I'm ugly? What can I do? This is a cheap insult utilized by school yard bullies, when they have nothing else to criticize. The word is also very triggering for victims of bullying.
If this is the best that the judge can come up with nowadays, perhaps this show has run it's course. I, for one, will no longer be a viewer.
Judge Mathis used to represent the power of personal transformation. If I have issues with integrity, I can work to develop empathy and honesty. If I have problems with criminal behavior, I can start trying to walk the straight and narrow. If I'm struggling with addiction, I can go into recovery. If I'm uneducated, I can enroll in school or a training program. If I'm unemployed, I can be more diligent in my job hunting. What shall I do if I'm ugly? What can I do? This is a cheap insult utilized by school yard bullies, when they have nothing else to criticize. The word is also very triggering for victims of bullying.
If this is the best that the judge can come up with nowadays, perhaps this show has run it's course. I, for one, will no longer be a viewer.
Judge Mathis is the best! He always makes me laugh, because he goes off tangent sometimes when dealing with a case. He'll ask some awkward questions that aren't relevant to the case. But who cares. He has a good sense of humor, and listens to both sides of the case. Unlike those other court shows like Judge Judy who gets mad for the stupidest little things. Judge Mathis doesn't get mad if even the defendant interrupts, and is very funny. He is also fair and caring towards both parties when it comes to his final judgment of a case. If you don't have the evidence, he will of course have to dismiss your claim. But then again any judge would do the same.
I agree with the poster who said you can't write this comedy. The jokes come straight from the horse's mouth, out of left field, just when you least expect them.
I get more laughs from a single show than from some entire series of some comedies, and even some that I enjoyed.
Typical exchange:
Judge: You're suing for defamation. Plaintiff: Yes, your honour, she told people that I was dating a hermaphrodite, and that I only started professional wrestling so that I could rub up against men. Judge: Do you have proof that this damaged your career. Plaintiff: Not really. I ... I'm not allowed to wrestle anymore in Kentucky...
Although the Judge does have a weakness for picking fun at some of these ridiculous people (how could you resist ?) he does have a heart, and makes a point to provide a moral centre to the show.
Well done.
I get more laughs from a single show than from some entire series of some comedies, and even some that I enjoyed.
Typical exchange:
Judge: You're suing for defamation. Plaintiff: Yes, your honour, she told people that I was dating a hermaphrodite, and that I only started professional wrestling so that I could rub up against men. Judge: Do you have proof that this damaged your career. Plaintiff: Not really. I ... I'm not allowed to wrestle anymore in Kentucky...
Although the Judge does have a weakness for picking fun at some of these ridiculous people (how could you resist ?) he does have a heart, and makes a point to provide a moral centre to the show.
Well done.
Out of all the judge TV shows produced during the 90s and 00's this one is probably the best. He has the best combination of entertainment value, compassion, and legal competency. The thing that impressed me the most about Judge Mathis was his ability to cut through the BS stories and lies and get to the truth, often tripping up litigants and tricking them into revealing the truth. His background growing up in the streets often showed when dealing with druggies, con men/women, and other shady types trying to pull one over on him. His compassion and conviction often showed when lecturing kids going down the wrong path, and challenging their negligent parents to do their jobs. Unlike shows like Judge Judy which I found to be too negative and cold he often lightened up the mood by joking with litigants adding more entertainment value (after all it is a TV show).
Compared to other judges like ... Judge Joe Brown (too old fashion and dull), Judge Judy (too mean), Judge Hatchett (too wimpy), Judge Milian (People's Court) (too loud) .. I think Judge Mathis was just right.
Compared to other judges like ... Judge Joe Brown (too old fashion and dull), Judge Judy (too mean), Judge Hatchett (too wimpy), Judge Milian (People's Court) (too loud) .. I think Judge Mathis was just right.
- unusedname
- Jul 3, 2006
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What the heck is going on with these court shows??? Today is November 13 & I am watching Judge Mathis right now. The case has a brunette sister suing a dizzy busty blond women supposed to be her sister whose name is allegedly "Claudette Burke" about her stealing hair expensive extensions... The EXACT same 2 women were on Judge Judy last week except this time the blond (obviously a wig)busty sister(I don't remember her name)who was suing the brunette sister about painting & redecorating her bedroom while she was out of town without permission. I have to question the validity of these shows now, due to this! Hmmmm?????
- choffman05
- Nov 12, 2013
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I've seen this Judge more passionate when his younger days as a TV judge. He actually gave fair judgments. LISTENED CAREFULLY to each person. Also he wasn't really concerned about being a comedian, and entertaining a national audience to make himself appear more likeable, and to get better ratings. I used to watch judge mathis, many years ago. But I stopped, I can't take him , because he tries very hard to make himself seem more smarter, than what he is by not thoroughly listening to each person's case. Keep in mind, these people took off from work, and have serious issues, and in most cases will have relationships permanently damaged by the way he handles those cases. He is a unfair judge, and I wouldn't miss the day, when they take him off air. I hate how he tries more hard to make people laugh, than listening and giving a fair verdict
- douglasrodrigue
- Oct 21, 2019
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Judge Mathis is one of the worst shows on TV. It is hard to believe he is actually a Judge. He makes terrible hurtful unfounded remarks to the people standing before him and worst of all he does not listen. If he came from the streets, he must still be there because he does not conduct himself in a professional manner befitting a judge. He should watch Judge Alex and see how he conducts his court room. Judge Alex gives one warning and says "this is my courtroom and if you cannot conduct yourself in a right manner, then I will put you out." And believe me he follows through, and most of all he listen to both sides of the problem. He makes a fair decision based on the law.
Judge Mathis, Judge Judy, should quit. they are a terrible example of behavior.
Judge Mathis, Judge Judy, should quit. they are a terrible example of behavior.
Judge Mathis is ignorant , he is crude and very disrespectful . He's a braggard and loves to talk about all the wealth he has and belittle others . He does not seem knowledgeable as far as the law and always seems to be looking for some small technicality you base a ruling on . He is an embarrassment to our race .
- gflo-41252
- Mar 16, 2021
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If you watch this show thinking that you will learn what life is like in an American small claims court, you will be sadly disappointed. Calling the proceedings "real" is false advertising and a true disservice to the American Court System. After watching Judge Mathis these past few weeks I've decided that I don't like this show. He does not behave in a professional manner. He appears to be bias and flippant. He tends to get into irrelevant issues merely for the sake of viewer titillation. Many times he makes totally irrelevant inquiries into the sex-lives of the participants. He makes cruel and tasteless jokes that would never occur in a real court of law. He makes sexist remarks that I find offensive but I assume are supposed to be considered "humorous". He tries to come across as "hip" and "cool" rather than serious and professional. Unfortunately, this seems to be the rule for daytime TV judges rather than the exception. The only TV judge I've seen that appears to even attempt a fair, unbiased, professional manner is Judge Joe Brown. This show loves to trumpet the fact that Judge Mathis is a "real" judge. He is (or was) a judge for Detroit. But he is nothing but a clown on this show. He plays for the camera and couldn't care less about true justice. If Judge Mathis is being held up as a success story for inner-city youth, God help us. Sad. He is a man that has sold out to the big money media.
- studentmom64
- Oct 25, 2005
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