This film is loosely based on a true story; events are changed for dramatic purposes, almost to the point of propaganda of trying to make the Germans look evil. The film is narrated by one of the participants, Fritz Winken, a 12-year-old German child, who later in life lived in Honolulu and met with another of the protagonists, Sgt. Ralph Blank, who also survived the war, as did Pvt, James Rassi. Unfortunately, the fate of the rest of the people who are portrayed in the film is left unexplained by the narrative. However, a far more accurate version of the story is told by the real Fritz on an episode of the TV series Unsolved Mysteries, where he was able to reunite with all the soldiers.
Linda Hamilton (Elizabeth) is saved from a soldier and helped up by Hans, a man she thought was her enemy who became her friend. The same thing happened to her character in Terminator 2, where the machine she was afraid of helped her up after saving her from hospital staff. Ironically, both characters to help her had thick German accents.