Contrary to the last reviewer, I found the film to be great - very touching. The title, my other wheelchair is a Porsche is a parody of the common car sticker my other car is a Porsche - found usually attached to rubbish cars!
This sets the mood as the film concerns the life of a teenager in a hospital and his isolation / lack of social contact and his way of dealing with things. The model car provides a vehicle (pardon the pun) for his want for freedom from the wheelchair and more obviously his desire for a sports car!
The relationship with the nurse is a brief but succinct metaphor for all realisations that teenage boys go through when they 'find out' about women and thier emotions, but also a neat way of also again highlighting his desire to be released from the wheelchair. See how the Matron fits in with this narrative also! Very well done...
On the whole, a great film, very touching and well worth watching.