This film begins with a young woman chasing down some police officers on a busy day in Tokyo and telling them that she has just spotted the man who robbed her apartment a couple of days previously. She then leads them to a man named "Morioka Fuyuto" (Ken Takahura) who is talking on the phone on a nearby sidewalk. Although Morioka is totally baffled by it all, as might be expected, both he and his accuser are subsequently taken to the police station to clarify the situation. While there, another man also comes in and identifies Morioka as having robbed him that same night as well. To make matters even worse, when they search his apartment they even find the stolen merchandise. So, realizing the hopelessness of the situation, he escapes at the first opportunity with his main priority being to clear his name--regardless of what it takes. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that, although this was an entertaining film for the most part, there were several rather implausible scenes thrown in which strained the overall credibility of the story. Likewise, it probably ran a bit too long as well. Even so, it was certainly worth the time spent and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.