I see TONS of films, and I can honestly say that Rhinoceros Eyes is one of the most visually stirring movies I've seen in a long, long time. Seriously, all the Hollywood crap with big explosions and massive effects has gotten so predictable and easy. There's no real creative direction behind any of it. Rhinoceros Eyes isn't like that at all. It's so carefully done. The Prophouse in this movie is like a "land of make-believe."
This loner kid Chep lives in a Prophouse. He falls obsessively in love with a woman. Soon thereafter, he starts with the conflicts of what do I have to do to win her?. The stop-motion animation in this hallucination scenes is AMAZING. And from that point on ... you're trapped between realities, and glued to the screen
All the characters are vivid and well-developed. Even the girl in the box-office, who has a crush on Chep is so carefully created and real ... right down to her lollypop. I can honestly say I've never seen anything like this movie since Mulholland drive. Unless you're actually like boy-meets-girl-boy-gets-girl movies and features that follows a formula, go see run away bride, if you want to see hip cool and mindful film where "boy-meets-girl" "boy-thinks-he-gets- girl"; "boy- gets-himself" you should see Rhino Eyes.