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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) Poster

Keira Knightley: Elizabeth Swann



  • Jack Sparrow : [Wakes up and sees Elizabeth burning the rum]  No! Not good! Stop! Not good! What are you doing? You burned all the food, the shade... the rum.

    Elizabeth : Yes, the rum is gone.

    Jack Sparrow : Why is the rum gone?

    Elizabeth : One: because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels. Two: that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for me. Do you really think there is even the slightest chance they won't see it?

    Jack Sparrow : But why is the rum gone?

    Elizabeth : Just wait captain Sparrow. You give it one hour, maybe two; keep a weather eye out and you will see white sails on that horizon.

    [Jack momentarily considers shooting her with his single bullet he has been saving for ten years before stomping off] 

    Jack Sparrow : "Must have been terrible for you to be trapped here Jack. Must have been terrible for you." Well it bloody is now!

    [Seeing Norrington's ship off shore, vindicating her plan] 

    Jack Sparrow : There'll be no living with her after this.

  • Jack Sparrow : I love this song. Really bad eggs. Ooh.


    Jack Sparrow : When I get the Pearl back, I'm gonna teach it to the whole crew, and we'll sing it all the time.

    Elizabeth : And you'll be positively the most fearsome pirates in the Spanish Main.

    Jack Sparrow : Not just the Spanish Main, love. The entire ocean. The entire wo'ld. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what the Black Pearl really is... is freedom.

  • Elizabeth : Will, how many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?

    Will Turner : At least once more, Miss Swann, as always.

  • Elizabeth : Captain Barbossa , I am here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal .

    Barbossa : There are a lot of long words in there, Miss; we're naught but humble pirates. What is it that you want?

    Elizabeth : I want you to leave and never come back.

    Barbossa : I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means "no".

    Elizabeth : Very well. I'll drop it.

    [dangles medallion over the sea] 

    Barbossa : Me holds are burstin' with swag. That bit of shine matters to us? Why?

    Elizabeth : It's what you've been searching for. I recognized the ship. I saw it eight years ago on the crossing from England .

    Barbossa : Did ya, now?

    Elizabeth : Fine. Well, I suppose if it is worthless then there's no point in me keeping it.

    [it drops a bit, the pirates lunge forward] 

    Barbossa : No! Ah.


    Barbossa : You have a name, Missy?

    Elizabeth : Elizabeth... Turner. I'm a maid in the Governor's household.

    Barbossa : Miss Turner...?

    [turns to face the pirates] 

    Pintel : Bootstrap.

    Barbossa : And how does a maid come to own a trinket such as that? Family heirloom, perhaps?

    Elizabeth : I didn't steal it, if that's what you mean.

    Barbossa : Very well, you hand it over and we'll put your town to our rudder and ne'er return.

    Elizabeth : [she hands it over]  Our bargain?

    [Barbossa walks away from her] 

    Bo'sun : Still the guns and stow 'em, Signal the men, set the flags and make good to clear port.

    Elizabeth : Wait! You have to take me to shore. According to the Code of the Order of the Brethren...

    Barbossa : First, your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement so I must do nothing. And secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not. And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Miss Turner .

  • Jack Sparrow : Last time... I was here a grand total of three days, all right? Last time, the rum runners used this island as a cache, they came past and I was able to barter passage off. By the look of things, they've long been out of business. Probably have your bloody friend Norrington to thank for that.

    Elizabeth : So that's it, then? That's the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow. You spent three days lying on a beach drinking rum.

    Jack Sparrow : Welcome to the Caribbean, love.

  • Elizabeth : Whose side is Jack on?

    Will Turner : At the moment?

  • Elizabeth : This is the fastest ship in the Caribbean.

    Anamaria : You can tell them that after they've caught us.

  • Elizabeth : You're pirates. Hang the code, and hang the rules. They're more like guidelines anyway.

  • Elizabeth : I hardly believe in ghost stories, Captain Barbossa.

    Barbossa : Aye. That's exactly what I thought when first told of the tale. Buried in the island of the dead that which cannot be found except by those who already knows where it is. Find it, we did. And there be the chest... and inside, be the gold. We took them all! Spent 'em, traded 'em and fritted 'em away, for drink and food and pleasurable company. But the more we gave them away, the more we came to realize. The drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, nor the company in the world would harm or slake our lust. We are cursed men, Miss Turner. Compelled by greed, we were. But now, we are consumed by it.

  • [protesting Jack's arrest] 

    Elizabeth : Commodore, I really must protest. Pirate or not, this man saved my life.

    Norrington : One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness.

    Jack Sparrow : Though it seems enough to condemn him.

    Norrington : Indeed.

  • Jacoby : I'm gonna teach you the meaning of pain.

    Elizabeth : You like pain?

    [hits pirate in the head with a pole] 

    Elizabeth : Try wearing a corset.

  • Will Turner : Barbossa, you lying bastard! You swore she'd go free!

    Barbossa : Don't dare impugn me honor, boy! I agreed she go free, but it was you who failed to specify when or where. Though it does seem a shame to lose somethin' so fine, don't it, lads?

    The Crew : Aye.

    Barbossa : So I'll be havin' that dress back before ye go.

    Jack Sparrow : I always liked you.

    Bo'sun : Grr...

    Elizabeth : Goes with your black heart.

    Barbossa : Ooh, it's still warm.

    The Crew : Off you go! Come on! Get on with it!

    Bo'sun : Too long!

    Jack Sparrow : I really rather hoped we were past all this.

    Barbossa : Jack... Jack! Did you not notice? That be the same island we made you the governor of on our last little trip.

    Jack Sparrow : I did notice.

    Barbossa : Perhaps you'll conjure up another miraculous escape, but I doubt it. Off you go.

    Jack Sparrow : The last time you left me a pistol with one shot.

    Barbossa : By the powers, you're right. Where be Jack's pistol? Bring it forward.

    Jack Sparrow : Seeing as there's two of us, a gentleman would give us a pair of pistols.

    Barbossa : It'll be one pistol as before, and you can be the gentleman and shoot the lady; and starve to death yourself.

  • [to Elizabeth] 

    Jack Sparrow : Where's the medallion?

    Elizabeth : Wretch.

    [attempts to slap him] 

    Jack Sparrow : [grabs her wrist]  Ah, where is dear William?

    Elizabeth : Will.

    Will Turner : Elizabeth.

    Jack Sparrow : Monkey!

  • [Elizabeth is being laced into a corset] 

    Governor Swann : Elizabeth, how's it coming?

    Elizabeth : It's difficult to say.

    Governor Swann : I'm told it's the latest fashion in London.

    Elizabeth : Well, women in London must have learned not to breathe.

  • Jack Sparrow : That's the second time I've had to watch that man sail away with my ship.

    Elizabeth : But you were marooned on this island before, weren't you? So we can escape in the same way you did then.

    Jack Sparrow : To what point and purpose, young missy? The Black Pearl is gone and unless you have a rudder and a lot of sails hidden in that bodice - unlikely - young Mr. Turner will be dead long before you can reach him.

    Elizabeth : But you're Captain Jack Sparrow. You vanished from under the eyes of seven agents of the East India Company. You sacked Nassau Port without even firing a shot. Are you the pirate I've read about or not? How did you escape last time?

  • Governor Swann : So, this is the path you've chosen? After all, he is a blacksmith.

    Elizabeth : No.


    Elizabeth : He's a pirate.

  • Pintel : [Pintel and Ragetti burst into the room]  We know you're here, Poppet.

    Ragetti : Poppet.

    Pintel : Come out... and we promise we won't hurt you.

    Ragetti : Eh?

    Pintel : [smiles at Ragetti]  We will find you, Poppet. You've got something of ours, and it calls to us. The gold calls to us.

    Ragetti : Gold calls...

    Pintel : [opens door of the closet]  'Ello, Poppet.

    Elizabeth : Parlay!

    Ragetti : What?

    Elizabeth : Parlay. I invoke the right of parlay. According to the Code of the brethren, set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew , you have to take me to your Captain.

    Pintel : I know the code.

    Elizabeth : If an adversary demands parlay you can do them no harm until the parlay is complete.

    Ragetti : To blazes with the code.

    Pintel : She wants to be taken to the Captain. And she'll go without a fuss. We must honor the Code.

  • Norrington : I, uh, apologize if I seem forward, but I must speak my mind... Ah, this promotion throws into sharp relief that which I have... not yet achieved: a marriage to a fine woman. You have become a fine woman, Elizabeth.

    Elizabeth : [her corset is choking her]  I can't breathe!

    Norrington : Yes, I'm... I'm a bit nervous myself.

    [Elizabeth faints and topples over the wall] 

  • [the Black Pearl is gone] 

    Elizabeth : I'm sorry, Jack.

    Jack Sparrow : [wistfully proud]  They done what's right by them. Can't expect more than that.

  • Pintel : You'll be dining with the captain. And he requests you wear this.

    Elizabeth : Well you may tell the captain that I am disinclined to acquiesce to his request.

    Pintel : He said you'd say that. He also said that if that be the case, then you'll be dining with the crew. And you'll be naked.

    [looks at him in disgust and hastily grabs dress] 

    Pintel : Fine.

  • Town Clerk : Jack Sparrow.

    Jack Sparrow : Captain... Captain Jack Sparrow.

    Town Clerk : ...for your willful commission of crime against the crown. Those crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature...

    Elizabeth : This is wrong...

    Governor Swann : Commodore Norrington is bound by the law, as are we all.

    Town Clerk : ...impersonating an officer of the Royal Navy; impersonating a clergy of the Church of England...

    Jack Sparrow : Oh yeah, heh heh

    Town Clerk : ...arson; kidnapping; perjury; piracy; pilfering; deprivation of a Federal Loyalist. For these crimes you will be hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul.

  • Elizabeth : I had a dream about you last night.

    Will Turner : About me?

    Governor Swann : Elizabeth, is that entirely proper for you to c...

    Elizabeth : About the day we met. Do you remember?

  • Barbossa : You don't know what this is, do ye?

    Elizabeth : It's a pirate medallion...

    Barbossa : This is Aztec gold. One of 882 identical pieces they delivered in a stone chest to Cortez himself. Blood money paid to stem the slaughter he wreaked upon them with his armies. But the greed of Cortez was insatiable. So the heathen gods placed upon the gold a terrible curse. Any mortal that removes but a piece from that stone chest shall be punished for eternity.

  • Elizabeth : Lower the anchor on the right side.

    Anamaria : [looks stunned] 

    Elizabeth : On the starboard side!

    Will Turner : It has the element of surprise.

    Anamaria : You're daft lady. You both are!

    Mr. Gibbs : Daft like Jack.

    [turns to the crew] 

    Mr. Gibbs : Lower the starboard anchor!

    [crew looks reluctant] 

    Mr. Gibbs : Do it you gobs! Or it's you we'll load into the cannons.

  • Barbossa : There is one way we can end our curse. All the scattered pieces of the Aztec gold must be restored and the blood repaid. Thanks to ye, we have the final piece.

    Elizabeth : And the blood to be repaid?

    Barbossa : That's why there is no sense to be killing you... yet. Apple?

    [Elizabeth angrily knocks the apple out of Barbossa's hand and then takes a knife and stabs him in the chest, only for him to be unaffected; he pulls out the knife] 

    Barbossa : I'm curious: after you kill me, what is it you plan on doing next?

  • [Elizabeth in rowing boat heading toward shore] 

    Elizabeth : Bloody pirates!

    [back aboard the Dauntless, Ragetti sees the Pearl sailing away] 

    Ragetti : Is it supposed to be doing that?

    Pintel : They're stealing our ship.

    Ragetti : Bloody pirates!

  • Elizabeth : You're despicable.

    Jack Sparrow : Sticks and stones, love. I saved your life, you saved mine. We're square.

  • Norrington : You forget your place, Turner.

    Will Turner : It's right here. Between you and Jack.

    Elizabeth : As is mine.

    Governor Swann : Elizabeth. Lower your weapons. For goodness sake, put them down.

    Norrington : So, this is where your heart truly lies, then?

    Elizabeth : It is.

  • Elizabeth : [when Pintel and Ragetti finds her hiding in the closet]  Parley!

    Pintel : [pauses]  What?

    Elizabeth : Parley. I invoke the right of parley. According to the Code set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew says you have to take me to your captain.

    Pintel : I know the Code.

    Elizabeth : Then it would state that if one demands parley you can do them no harm until the parley is complete.

    Ragetti : Blazes to the Code!

    Pintel : She wants to be taken to the captain! And she'll go without a fuss. We must honour the Code.

  • Elizabeth : [Elizabeth and Jack have just been rescued from the rumrunners' island]  But we've got to save Will!

    Governor Swann : No! You're safe now. We will return to Port Royal immediately, not go gallivating after pirates!

    Elizabeth : Then we comdemn him to death!

    Governor Swann : The boy's fate *is* regrettable... but then, so was his decision to engage in piracy.

  • Elizabeth : I hardly believe in ghost stories anymore, Captain Barbossa.

  • Elizabeth : You didn't tell them about the curse.

    Jack Sparrow : I noticed neither did you. For the same reason, I expect.

    Elizabeth : He wouldn't have risked it.

    Jack Sparrow : Could have gotten him drunk. Oh, don't get me wrong, love. I admire a person who's willing to do whatever's necessary.

    Elizabeth : You're a smart man, Jack. But I don't entirely trust you.

    Jack Sparrow : Peas in a pod, darling.

  • [of the British ambushing the pirates] 

    Elizabeth : No... Wait... Stop! The pirates are undead! They'll all be killed! This is Jack Sparrow's doing!

    Lt. Gillette : Don't worry, Miss, he's already been informed of that, a little mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story!

    [He laughs as she glares at him] 

  • Elizabeth : I'm not entirely sure that I've had enough rum to allow that kind of talk.

  • Elizabeth : [after Barbossa has cut her hand slightly]  That's it?

    Barbossa : Waste not...

  • Jack Sparrow : Is there a problem between us, Miss Swann?

    Elizabeth : You were going to tell Barbossa about Will in exchange for a ship.

    Jack Sparrow : We could use a ship. But the truth is, I wasn't going to tell Barbossa about Will, as long as I had something to bargain with, which now nobody has, thanks to bloody stupid Will.

    Elizabeth : Oh.

    Jack Sparrow : [mockingly]  Oh.

  • Barbossa : Do you not know what this is then?

    Elizabeth : It's a Pirate Medallion.

    Barbossa : It's a piece of treasure of Isla de Muerta.

    Barbossa : Ah, so you don't know as much as you pretend. Back when Cortes was cutting a great bloody swath through the New World, a high priest gave him all the gold they had, with one condition: that he spare the people's lives. Of course Cortes being Cortes, he didn't. He've made a great pirate, that one.

    Barbossa : So the priest, with his dying breath, called on the power of the blood of his people, and put on the gold a curse. If anyone took so much as a single piece, as he was compelled by greed, by greed he would be consumed.

    Barbossa : Within a day of leaving port for Spain, the treasure ship carrying the gold... something went wrong. The ship run aground, every man aboard dead, save one. He survived long enough to hide the gold ashore. Over time, the dark magic of the curse seeped into the place, making it a cursed island. An island of death. Isla de Muerta.

    Elizabeth : That's all very interesting, but I hardly believe in ghost stories any more.

    Barbossa : You idiot girl! It's no make believe! My crew and I, we found the gold, and we did more than take one piece, we took it all. Rich men we were and we spent it and traded it and gave it away in exchange for drink and food and pleasant company. But we found out: the drink could not state us, and the food turned to ashes in our mouths, and no amount of pleasant company could ease our torment. We are cursed men, Miss Turner, condemned, to be forever consumed by our own greed. Gold calls to UB, always, and we are driven, always to find more, and add it to the treasure.

    Barbossa : There is but one way to remove the curse. All of the scattered pieces of the treasure must be restored in full, and the blood repaid. We've recovered every piece, save for this. And as for the blood... that's what we have you for. And that's why there's no sense in killing you. Yet. Apple?

    Barbossa : I'm curious... after killing me, what is it you were planning to do next? Look! Look! The moonlight shows us for what we really are! We are not among the living and so we cannot die...

    Barbossa : but neither are we dead! We have all the desires of the living, but cannot satisfy them! Ten years I have been parched of thirst, and unable to quench it! Ten years, I have been starving to death... and haven't died!

    Barbossa : And I have not felt anything for ten years... Not the wind on my face, nor the spray of the sea... nor the flesh of a woman...

    Barbossa : You'd best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner. Because now you're in one.

  • Elizabeth : I hardly believe in ghost stories, Captain Barbossa.

    Barbossa : Aye. That's exactly what I thought when we were first told of the tale. Buried in the island of the dead that which cannot be found except by those who already knows where it is. Find it, we did. And there be the chest... and inside, be the gold. We took them all! Spent 'em, traded 'em and fritted 'em away, for drink and food and pleasurable company. But the more we gave them away, the more we came to realize. The drink would not satisfy, food turned to ash in our mouths, nor the company in the world would harm or slake our lust. We are cursed men, Miss Turner. Compelled by greed, we were. But now, we are consumed by it.

  • Elizabeth : [sighs]  "... Drink up me hearties, yo ho".

    Jack Sparrow : What was that, Elizabeth?

    Elizabeth : It's Miss Swann.

    Jack Sparrow : Miss Swann.

    Elizabeth : Nothing, it's just a song I learned as a child when I thought it would be fun to meet a real pirate.

    Jack Sparrow : Let's hear it, then.

    Elizabeth : No.

    Jack Sparrow : Come on. We've got the time. Let's be having it.

    Elizabeth : No. I'd need a lot more to drink.

    Jack Sparrow : How much more?

See also

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