The original Hellsing anime, animated by Gonzo, is loosely based on the manga series of the same name for the first 7 episodes, but deviates entirely from the manga's story in the last 6 episodes due to the fact that the manga series was still ongoing during its initial airing. Hellsing Ultimate is an OVA series animated by Madhouse that started airing 4 years after the original anime initially finished airing in Japan and is a very faithful adaption of the manga series.
Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate have vastly different tones as well. Hellsing takes itself very seriously while Hellsing Ultimate incorporates a fair bit of humor and light-hearted moments into the story to offset the bloody and gruesomely violent battle scenes.
Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate have vastly different tones as well. Hellsing takes itself very seriously while Hellsing Ultimate incorporates a fair bit of humor and light-hearted moments into the story to offset the bloody and gruesomely violent battle scenes.
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- How many seasons does Hellsing have?1 season
- How many episodes does Hellsing have?13 episodes
- When did Hellsing premiere?October 4, 2003
- When did Hellsing end?December 27, 2003
- How long is Hellsing?23 minutes
- What is the IMDb rating of Hellsing?7.7 out of 10
- Who stars in Hellsing?
- Who wrote Hellsing?
- Who directed Hellsing?
- Who was the producer of Hellsing?
- Who was the composer for Hellsing?
- What is the plot of Hellsing?A British taskforce, lead by the daughter of the vampire hunter Prof. Van Helsing, battles the supernatural with the aid of two vampires.
- Who are the characters in Hellsing?Alucard, Alexander Anderson, Dr. Trevellian, Jan Valentine, Seras Victoria, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, and Walter C. Dornez
- What genre is Hellsing?Action, Animated, Fantasy, and Horror
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