Tori crashes into the tree and in the side view, the driver's side window is rolled all the way up. But after she crashes, the camera zooms in on the damage and pans over to her head against the steering wheel but now the window is rolled all the way down.
The Miner throws his shovel at Roxann who is in the driver's seat of the explorer. The shovel is oriented blade up as he throws it and as it flies towards the explorer. But when the shovel hits and goes through the windshield it is blade down. A few moments later it is shown embedded and it is blade up again.
As Haydn is shown driving away the shot changes back to Nick and Clare watching him. The shadow of the camera man is visible on Clare's left side right before the Miner jumps on Haydn's car.
After Haydn's car explodes the Miner turns around to chase the other three, Axel, Nick, and Clare. When they turn to run, the cameraman's complete shadow can be seen on the ground to the screen right of Clare.
The gang drives out to the campsite in the explorer. As Axel and Eve get out of the passenger side rear door, the reflection of the boom mic can be seen in the small door window.