As much as I enjoy Hong Kong cinema, and as much fan I am of Shu Qi's and Andy Lau's talents, then it was not an overly enjoyable experience to sit through "The Wesley's Mysterious File".
The storyline in "The Wesley's Mysterious File" is fairly weak, seeming like somewhat of a cash-in on the "MIB" movies and their success. Not sure if that really is the case, but it does reek heavily of inspiration from "MIB". However, "The Wesley's Mysterious File" just didn't manage to pull it of in any particular way.
A very weak and predictable storyline didn't really help the movie progress particularly, nor were the questionable CGI effects in the movie helping the movie in any way. In fact, my toes were curled up in disbelief several times because of the horrendous CGI effects.
The characters in the movie were one-dimensional and lacked any display of characteristics and qualities that would make you have an interest in them. And it was hard to grow fond of characters that the actors themselves didn't even seem to be putting their hearts and souls into.
Despite Shu Qi's, Andy Lau's and Rosamund Kwan's attempts to lift up the movie, they failed, as they had very little to work with.
For a Sci-Fi movie, then "The Wesley's Mysterious File" was quite weak and anything but enjoyable. There are worse Sci-Fi movies out there on the market, but for a Hong Kong movie, then "The Wesley's Mysterious File" was a massive swing and a miss.