This sets the standard for all other B-Movies and contains everything: great action, amazingly funny dubbing, dubious script continuity, characters who influence the plot but don't actually appear in the film, an outstanding soundtrack and super evil villains. Rather than attempt to sum up this Herculean effort by the likes of Peter O'Brian and Craig Gavin, I've listed the main 10 things that this film has taught me:
1) The best way to pressure people is to kidnap their young and beautiful daughter. 2) Random Australian soap stars may appear during battle scenes. 3) You shouldn't store the only things you own in a basket, they will be destroyed. 4) Lead pipes are often supplied at dinner evenings should you wish to destroy the tables. 5) If you're the hero, it's fine to allow the villain to shoot at you from point blank range before whistling for assistance as it's likely the gun will be unloaded. 6) Don't be alarmed, the sound of footsteps may continue even after you sit down. 7) "Why?" is a perfectly reasonable response to questions regarding your constant involvement in other people's problems. 8) In the space of 24hrs following the brutal murder of your wife, it is fine to start pulling other woman and also 24 hours is about the time it takes between meeting someone and declaring that they're "like a father" to you. 9) If your name is Bobby and you have a very minor role as the Hero's friend, there's a very good chance you'll die. 10) Always inform people that they've cut you when they attack you with a knife, this may not be clear to them.
Watch this! You won't be disappointed!!