Children's live action comedy show about two bumbling handymen who regularly got into trouble while they were on the job.
I don't remember much about this one. It used to go to air as part of "The Super Flying Fun Show" on the Nine Network here in Australia back in the 1970s. Although, it had probably premiered years before that.
The "Fun Show" was basically made up of cartoons which included "King Leonardo", "Rocky and Bullwinkle" and the like. It went to air around 7.00 to 9.00 am during the week and was intended for kids and teenagers to watch as they were getting ready for school. Featured a live host - Miss Marilyn who introduced each segment and conducted competitions.
I don't think "Mack & Myer" will be remembered as one of the all time classic kids shows but it filled a gap and gave us a few chuckles.