2 reviews
There was something captivating about this movie, despite (or maybe because of?) the amateurish production values. Or, maybe it was delicious Graham Gavine who played Sherman as the kind of nice guy we all know and like. A bit short on plot but I liked the down-to-earth camera work and perfectly real city scenes. I have been to Mexico City and to Spain and yes, they are just like that. Maybe the predictable plot and stiff dialogue were on purpose, to make the viewer look at their own life and see the predictability and cliche of real life. Or maybe I am just willing to give the movie the benefit of the doubt. You'll like this movie if you want to see some sweet (and chaste) romance. Sounds like I'm down on it but I actually did like it!
A low, low budget romantic comedy. The cheapness of this movie seemed to add to its hilarity. I didn't buy the kids as a boy-band -- they just didn't look right. But they were funny because of that. The male and female leads did rather well respectively. The dialogue was fairly well written; very funny in places (especially some of lines the boy-band members say, like the eleven-year-old who insists he is gay). But overall the writing was not very good and the film lacked direction. In spite of this, I somehow found Dragonwheel (albeit, not a good title) to be a charming little movie.
6.5 outta 10.
6.5 outta 10.