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A standard sitcom plot stretched to feature length
movieman_kev20 June 2005
Fred Berlow (Jeff Daniels) grows up loving vaccums crying more for the prospect of losing a vacuum than when his mom dies. When he's a grown man he becomes a Super Sucker (NEVER call it a vacuum) salesman, in competition with a fellow seller and fighting to keep his distribution rights. The owner gives them one more contest to see who gets more sales. The loser will be fired. Of course Fred's Super sucker group of salesman don't do well at all at first against the rival salesman group's flashier tactics, but thanks to a super sucker attachment that thanks to it's size is a hit with women and gay men they might stand a chance. This film is quaint, but cant help but fall apart as time goes on. There's a few (VERY few) laughs scattered here and there, but "Used Cars" is still so much better.

My Grade: D+
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As fun as having your teeth pulled and eyes poked at the same time
oarch21 November 2003
This was so unfunny words can't describe it. Why Jeff Daniels agreed to act in this loser, I have no idea. I watched about 45 minutes of it, and only because I rented it myself and did not want to offend friends by taking it out after 5 minutes. Now I have to rent 4-5 masterpieces to make up for the bad taste.

Avoid at all costs.
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Super Sucker Really Sucks
claudio_carvalho7 November 2004
Fred Barlow (Jeff Daniels) and Winslow Schnaebelt (Harve Presnell) are vacuum cleaner salesmen competing against each other the exclusivity of an area of door to door sale. Fred uses an old device called 'homemaker little helper', which is also used by the house wives and gay community as a sex toy, to increase the sales of his team and win the competition. This movie can only be indicated to morons. It is awful, ridiculous, amazingly horrible, a crap, a piece of s***. Jeff Daniels is a good actor, has excellent movies in his filmography, such as 'Something Wild', 'Ragtime' and 'Pleasantville' among others, but this 'Super Sucker' really sucks. The worst is that it is written and directed by him. The movie is not funny and indeed it is a pure waste of time and money watching it. My vote is two.

Title (Brazil): 'Super Sucker'
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chrissy-brown14 October 2003
Believe it or not...My husband is a vacuum cleaner salesmen...Door to door. So we rented this movie expecting a giggle...The sad part is..most people that work in the industry are this dorky. I know..I used to sell vacuum cleaners too. We would open our morning meeting with songs, and yell about being positive. It was truelly a dark time in my life...LOL Thankfully my hubby is not a dork... he is funny, and honest..and dogone it his customers like him. Back to the movie...My point I guess it that, this isn't a funny movie..because it's really what these vacuum guys act like...They have steak and beans contests...and are always spouting about a contest. I love the part with the cat, but that was the only giggle I got..We turned it off after an hour, I'm not sure if it was because it hit too close to home...and looked really really just pun intended.
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One joke movie with one laugh.......
merklekranz19 February 2008
Jeff Daniels has done some terrific work as an actor (Gettysburg, Dumb and Dumber), but this acting/directing effort is really weak. I can understand the enthusiasm that went into "Super Sucker", local location and talent, but one thing is obviously missing. Like so many one joke movies, the script is undeveloped beyond the initial idea. Another sure sign of problems are the overly repetitive scenes. In addition, many scenes go on for far too long, losing whatever impact they might have had. Jeff Daniels tries to carry the entire production by himself, but the weak script puts him in many uncomfortable situations that are just plain not funny. Avoid this failed film. - MERK
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Is this really a movie ?!
shalowfate9 September 2004
Humm... Let's see.... Horrible comes first... Horrible at second and Horrible at third.

I only watched it because I was tired of returning it back... came all the way from the video store for nothing.

Trust me on this, I've seen bad movies... But not to this extent. The plot is useless, the storyline is irrelevant, there is no point in looking, hearing, following anything in the movie.

It's all a bunch of people, jiggling about a lot of things... The sarcasm in this movie is being maintained thourghout the movie... No rest, it's all dumb, all the way.
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Awful film
diggler_inc29 January 2003
This is the worst film to come along since "Dude, Where's my Car?" It has a funny premise but it doesn't handle it well. This is an extremely silly movie, but I don't mean that in a good way. It is too silly and stupid to be funny. Don't waste your time or money on this one.
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Comedy that just doesn't work.
elusivedream7815 November 2003
After watching this movie, I decided that all movies that I do not finish will be given a "1" rating on IMDB - after all, if someone who wants to watch a movie is watching one, and then stops it because it's horrid, there's something seriously wrong.

I stopped after 25 minutes. The biggest allure of this movie was personal, as the lead character looked like an awful boss I had, and I enjoyed watching him live a sad existance as a door to door salesman. If I hadn't of been for this fact alone, I think this would've held my intelligence for 18 minutes. Maybe 19.

This is a bad movie due to the fact that you can only make so many jokes about a door to door salesman, and when they're not good, the entire idea collapses. Yes, we understand his life is pathetic, but that's not good enough to make a movie. The lives of the people in Office Space were pathetic (wait, I'm like those people), but I'd consider that movie to be about a nine on the laughs scale, while this movie got a 1.

If I had a kid sister, she could've done better for a 3rd grade english project. Pass on this one.
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This movie SUCKS!!!!!!!
bluzman26 January 2003
Which is a compliment, if you've seen it. Its plot is puerile in nature and a base in concept, which will offend the gentle viewer. However, for those who are comfortable enough deal with the nature of the show will find themselves wanting to roll on the floor laughing.

I am particularly delighted how they put the fifties vacuum salesman into today's world, but gave the movie a fifties look and feel. The lighting, styling and many of the mannerisms of the characters had you jumping back and forth between the eras.

This movie, like Escanaba in Da Moonlight, had the strong sense of having been a play. Many of the stagings and acting parts jumped out and said this is a play stage scenario.

Go see this movie and enjoy it. Don't let your insecurity chase you away.
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Jeff Daniels's Comedic Crowning Achievement!
jdbenjamin24 February 2002
I just saw the Super Sucker world premiere in Ann Arbor, Michigan (where Jeff Daniels grew up and now runs Purple Rose Films) and it is absolutely hilarious. Sidestepping all the toilet-level humor and midwestern-centric culture which made Escanaba in da Moonlight a less-than-perfect success, Super Sucker is a sharp comedy for the American everyman. Daniels stars as Fred Barlow, a vacuum salesman with an life-long passion for his trade. When Johnsonville, Michigan proves not big enough for both Barlow and his arch rival salesman (Harve Presnell), their boss creates a contest in which the man with the most sales wins exclusive rights to the city. Barlow is out of luck until he discovers a drapery attachment that pleases housewives in more ways than one. But will the "American Association for the Abuse of Household Appliances" approve? And will Barlow's rival let such a gimmick steal his loyal customers? The plot twists, turns and tickles brilliantly. I must say, for an independent film, this is one marvelously professional production which easily outdoes most contemporary Hollywood comedies. Direction, cinematography, sound, editing and writing are all top notch. Not to mention the cast, a classic lineup of wacky salesmen, chock-full with comedic talent. You get to love them all. Matt Letscher especially shines as Daniels's eager and naive sales apprentice. Above everything, let's not forget Mr. Daniels. I'd go so far as to say that this film is his crowning achievement on many levels. Not only has he crafted one of his funniest roles and films ever, he's finally starred in a comedy that you're not ashamed to admit liking. I interviewed Daniels for Ann Arbor's CURRENT magazine a few weeks before the premiere and he said that if there's one thing he knows how to do, it's to make people laugh. The proof is in the pudding. You won't need a drapery attachment to get absolute pleasure from Super Sucker.
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Fun, timely farce
brighn2 February 2003
Being a fellow Michigander (with Jeff Daniels), I can see part of where this movie came from. It's a satirical look at Midwestern family values and sexual mores (like Daniels' other, more well-known, and overall better "Pleasantville"). Unlike "Pleasantville," where the attacks on sexual puritanism are subtle enough for some casual viewers to miss, "Super Sucker" is blatant.

The premise: A down-and-out vacuum cleaner distributor (Daniels) in a moderate-sized Midwest town (based on and shot in Jackson, Michigan) has been given 30 days to outsell his overbearing and obnoxious competitor. Whoever sells the most systems gets sole rights to distributorship. Daniels seems destined to lose -- the competition has much more advertising money, and is willing to throw any rules of fairness out the window -- until he discovers a special use for a long-discontinued attachment. He puts the attachment into rapid production, and offers it as a "special bonus" that only his distributorship has available. His fate changes radically, buildi ng up to a raucous farce of a climax.

The buildup is, in my opinion, slow, and bits are ham-fistedly predictable; the "cat" scene belonged in a Farrelly Brothers movie (and that's not a compliment), but it was thankfully brief. But once it gets going (around the midpoint), and writer/director Daniels decides that whatever real world logic he had been attempting to follow should be thrown out the window in favor of over-the-top absurdity, it has some truly comedic scenes. In a time when Michigan's sexual more pendulum appears to be swinging back to the left, the film is a nice push in the right direction. And, sociosexual politics aside, it's a darn fine piece of unpretentious independent comedy -- something we can never have enough of.

TV buffs will likely enjoy a cameo from Gilligan Island's Dawn Wells, making fun of her own stereotyping as Mary Ann.

Purple Rose fans will note that, except for bits of body-humor comedy and Daniels' affably hapless good guy (a persona he started with "Something Wild"), this is a much different film than Escanaba in Da Moonlight (also a good movie, although I enjoyed the play more). Like "Pleasantville," it has more national appeal ("Escanaba" was rife with Michigan in-jokes), and despite some of its stageplay-like shots, it's obviously based on a screenplay, with many more scenes and a much larger cast. I hope Purple Rose works out its own kinks in distributorship (leaving me wondering if Daniels' frustration here didn't contribute to "Super Sucker"'s premise), because these films deserve a larger audience than they seem to be getting.
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Good "dumb humor" movie
CAOP16 March 2003
In the vein of Kingpin, Office Space and Airplane. Super Sucker isn't as funny as any of those movies but, considering it's budget, is still pretty impressive. Fans of "dumb" comedies will probably like, not love, this move.
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Hilarious. Laughed so hard, nearly fell out of my seat!
nedc24 January 2003
Saw the film at its premier last spring. Missed a lot of the dialog because everyone was laughing so hard. Am anxious to see it again. I think this is a lot better than many of Daniels' other comedies. Academy award material it is not. It is just a hoot of a film.
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Laughed My Butt Off!!!!!
JohnMcClane886 July 2005
Reading some of the other post here and I think there are too many prudes on here lol

You can NOT take this movie seriously, it's just a dumb comedy and it is Funny!

This movie is a strange combination of the 1950's, 1970's and today. Its like "Leave it to Beaver" meets a soft porn movie

The laughs really begin when "Mothers little helper" is introduced in the movie :)

Jeff Daniels is hilarious!

I loved it and got a kick out of it!
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A Funny little movie
dm31727 January 2003
This film was good, the acting was wonderful , Jeff Daniels did a Great job as the Super Sucker Salesman- anyone who has ever sold vacuums and love vacuums this is a wonderful movie, they will find this a treasure. For everyone else, it's an off beat funny movie that you'll enjoy. Although it probably won't go well in the theaters due to the advertising of this movie, it is worth seeing. The supporting Cast is Great, Matt Letscher (Howard) was Hilarious, he was a wonderful addition to the film, a stand out performance.. If you have a chance -go see this movie, on the whole you will enjoy it, some parts are a bit off center and have you thinking "What??" , but the comedy is great!
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Haven't laughed so hard in a long time!
carymary24 January 2003
Super Sucker is Jeff Daniel's second indie movie filmed in Michigan (his home state). I recommend it if you are looking for a funny, funny movie with a simple plot (in other words, a no-brainer). The premise might be a bit rough for some but I think most viewers will not be offended. My husband and I saw the premire in Ann Arbor, MI and are anxious to see it again because people were laughing so hard at times some lines were missed. If you saw Daniel's Escanaba in da Moonlight (and you may have noticed I live in Escanaba and was actually in that film if you looked really quick!) and were a bit disappointed, Super Sucker is far better...consistantly funny.
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Powerful blow to a lineup of movies that suck badly.
namesgreenwell10 July 2005
I'm thrilled to see that premium movie channels are adding quality titles to their regular rotation. Super Suckers is an excellent example.

Previous comments/reviews have adequately described the plot and style of the movie, but have failed to point out the satire that soaks both. Jeff Daniels had never occurred to me as a writer, let alone one who understands how to combine valued social comment with hilarious one liners and shtick humor. I look forward to watching his other projects.

One and a half stars only confirms the difference in taste of the maps and myself. It has become only too easy to find examples of highly rated movies that suck badly, this is definitely one that sucks very well.
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Funny.....because I live it
softballerstud1213 February 2005
No this was no great achievement in cinema and would certainly never win any awards. But I am a "vacuum cleaner salesman." And it was so accurate it was obscenely funny. Now I have never sold anything for self-pleasure but the idea that it would boost sales to the level they achieved makes me want to consider my own "homemakers little helper." Hey, sex sells. Some of the more accurate statements made: "Negativity: we deny its very existence." And "Hello, my name is (your name here) and I'm POSITIVE!!!! Anyone who has ever done any type of sales job will appreciate the constant bits of hilarity and already know that "nothing is as important as winning a contest!" Cult classic, at least in the sales world.
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I've never laughed through a whole movie more!
jenniferandmarc25 June 2003
I saw this on opening night, which was probably the only opportunity to ever see this movie. We were they only two people in the theatre! I had no idea what to expect when I walked in -- I had only seen a 15 second commercial the night before. It was hillarious -- on the level of a cult film -- if enough people could see it! I would highly recommend seeing this movie if you ever get the chance -- and if anyone knows where to get it on DVD, please post it here!

I planned the date for my wife and I by making the late haute designer Bill Blass's recipe for meatloaf (I can't think of a more appropriate dinner to go with this movie).
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I was generally pleased. (SPOILER)
a2guy24 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Super Sucker at Madstone Theaters in Ann Arbor. While I was generally pleased with the movie, I found it to be forced in places, as if the actors were trying too hard to make the joke work. I was expecting a movie a la "Tin Men" or even "Glengarry Glen Ross". Low key, but with Daniels' brand of humor. Instead, "Super Sucker" is an over-the-top, farcical movie about sexually unsatisfied residents of a medium-sized city using a new vacuum cleaner "attachment" in the pursuit of pleasure. I think the intent of the movie was to preach a sexual liberation, anti-prude message, if Fred Barlow's (played by Daniels) "sermon" at the end is any indication. If that was the intent, the movie fell short of doing it well. I feel sly humor and innuendo, like that found in the beginning of the movie, would have played much better, but instead we were treated to sexual vaudeville, with biker mamas, cross dressers, and dirty old men cheering and marching. I'm certainly no prude, but I think the movie would have been much better leaving something up to the imagination instead of blasting us in the face with it. Kudos to: Daniels and the lesser known actors he chose for the film who really helped sell the film, the fact that the movie was shot 100% on location close to home in Jackson, MI, good character development, and the few scenes with truly sly, sarcastic humor. I would have liked more conflict between Barlow and the other vacuum cleaner distributor (played by Harve Presnell, an actor I love to watch), and more Dawn Wells, because unlike Howard Butterworth in the movie (played beautifully by Matt Letscher), I am a Marianne man all the way. Michigan residents should see the movie for sure, little kids shouldn't see it at all, and everyone else should see it if they're looking for a fairly predictable plot with comedy and farce, too few instances of well-done wit and satire, but want some chuckles and laughs from a movie targeted to adults instead of the Kangaroo Jack crowd.
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Daniels Gives Us Some Suburban Fables
Scott_Mercer4 June 2006
This is more in the vein of the Coen Brothers than the Zucker Brothers really, or at least their comedies. "Quirky" is the watchword here. Bits of the Hudsucker Proxy (other than the similarities in the name) and Raising Arizona, with the jaundiced eye of the outsider looking in on a white-bread culture that died a merciful death.

Jeff Daniels stars as Fred Barlow, the psychotically devoted leader of a vacuum cleaner distributorship who's behind the 8-ball to sell more product. He comes upon an insightful innovation that helps him rise to the top once more.

Lots of goof ball action by dorky Midwestern white people in the out-of-place, out-of-time milieu of the fictional Johnson City, where two teams of vacuum cleaner salespeople vie to take over the territory. Mock melodramatic speeches, inappropriate stirring music cues, and gang fights between vacuum cleaner salesmen. The characters seem plucked from a 1950's sitcom, even though the setting is supposedly present day. Do they even sell vacuum cleaners door-to-door anymore? Gotta love Jeff Daniels' sharkskin suit. Overall, quite amusing if it's on cable, but I wouldn't go out of my way to find it.

Jeff Daniels directed this, and I think he did a swell job, gosh darn it! Sy Suckerton would be proud as punch!

Fred Barlow: "Did I ever have sex with your mother? No? Too bad, you would have made a hell of an illegitimate son."
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america sucks
ricpeteler7 February 2004
it's good to see that the us aren't inhabited entirely by a blind but moral majority but also by men who's intellectual horizon is broader than their milkshake cup.what looks like an absurd slapstick comedy about the competition of two vaccuum-cleaner salesmen is in reality an detailed description of the hell and depravation of middle-class america.this film is not only a must-see for every zucker-zucker-abrahams fan but also for those who don't think that a trip to disneyland is the highlight of their live.not only michael moore sees america like it is but also jeff daniels-and it is not nice.
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A bold and original piece of art.
morrisonr-1499020 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The acting, script, cast and dedication to the story are all top notch. I personally felt that if the sound and cinematography budget were higher it would be perfect, but maybe this movie does exactly what it's supposed to do. I feel I truly have found a rare diamond in the rough with this being what should have been a huge cult classic. Released around the same time, it can seem to give off _Super troopers_ vibes at times but is more subtle, which strange to say given how in-your-face Super Suckers is. The story is basically about a dedicated vacuum cleaner salesman and his team and how they compete with their rivals. Being outmatched in the field, Fred (Daniels) discovers how an old and discontinued vacuum attachment can be used as a sex toy, and leverages this secret as a way to beat their competition. I found myself to be more often genuinely entertained and interested than slapping my knee. It's definitely worth sitting down and watching and I will be looking soon to add this to my dvd collection.
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Good comedy with lots of laughs, recommend it to my friends.
gwingharry13 March 2002
Saw this film at the Preview in Jackson, Michigan and enjoyed every minute of it. Good film to get your mind off things and just enjoy yourself. The actors do a good job of keeping the movie going with some very funny lines. If anyone had ever told me I could sit and listen for over an hour to a movie about vacum cleaner salesmen I would never have believed them.
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Jeff Daniels
brielle62913 January 2003
You got to give it up for Super Sucker! I saw a screener and thought it was a great original comedy set in the Midwest. Jeff Daniel's performance definately makes this movie a laugh riot. It is good to see Jeff Daniels come back to Michigan and come up with this great comedy. Who would have thought that Vacuum Cleaner Salesmen have such a naughty non traditional side! Overall I would say this movie is definately worth checking out to see Jeff Daniels at work!
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