Loosely based on Luís da Câmara Cascudo's short story "A Princesa de Bambuluá". The meaning for the town's name, "the town unseen to evil eyes", is directly taken from this tale.
Charles Emmanuel was initially cast as one of the Knights of the Future but got a cold after filming the pilot. He was replaced by another actor and cast as one of the child hosts. He also suggested at an anime convention that the young cast disliked each other.
It became a public misconception (and an urban legend) that a climatic moment of Dragon Ball Z (1996) was interrupted by Globo TV's coverage of 9/11 in 2001. The show was in fact interrupted by such coverage, but not while airing the anime series. In 2020, Ali Kamel and Amauri Soares debunked this rumor. They provided the channel programming from that very day, which indicates the first brief interruption came on a Mickey Mouse episode. The second and definitive 9/11 interruption came during a break.