Beat the Geeks is a game show where contestants must match their knowledge against the geeks. The three main geeks of each episode are the TV geek, Movie geek and Music geek. Each episode as... Read allBeat the Geeks is a game show where contestants must match their knowledge against the geeks. The three main geeks of each episode are the TV geek, Movie geek and Music geek. Each episode as a geek who specializes in a different field such as Star Wars, comic books, KISS, or the ... Read allBeat the Geeks is a game show where contestants must match their knowledge against the geeks. The three main geeks of each episode are the TV geek, Movie geek and Music geek. Each episode as a geek who specializes in a different field such as Star Wars, comic books, KISS, or the Sopranos. The contestants get easier questions than the geeks and must accrue the most poi... Read all